Install and Manage WordPress-Nginx Websites from the Command Line with EasyEngine

EasyEngine (ee) is a Linux shell-script to install and manage wordpress-nginx websites in one go. Using EasyEngine, you can install Nginx, PHP, MySQL, Postfix, phpMyAdmin and their dependencies in one shot easily without the help of a System administrator. It makes very easy to install and manage wordpress-nginx websites, and you don’t have to manually install each packages and memorize all commands. Everything will be done automatically on the background. EasyEngine will work on Ubuntu LTS versions such as Ubuntu 12.04/14.04, and Debian 6/7 version.

via EasyEngine – An Auto Installer Script For Managing WordPress-Nginx Websites On Ubuntu, Debian | Unixmen.

Looks like it would take some of the tedium out of deploying WP sites. This blog runs WP on Nginx and getting it set up was not super easy, lots of config file fiddling was called for. EasyEngine is open source and on Github at

Replacing Native Apps With Ten CSS One-Liners Using CSS Multi-column Layout and CSS Figures

Tablets and mobile devices require us to rethink web design. Moused scrollbars will be replaced by paged gestures, and figures will float in multi-column layouts. Can this be expressed in CSS?
Paged designs, floating figures, and multi-column layout are widely used on mobile devices today. For some examples, see Flipboard, the Our Choice ebook, or Facebook Paper. These are all native apps. If we want the web to win on these devices (we do), it’s vital that designers can build these kinds of presentations using web standards. If web standards cannot express this, authors will be justified in making native apps.
Over the past years, I’ve been editing two specifications that, when combined, provide this kind of functionality: CSS Multi-column Layout and CSS Figures. I believe they are important to make sure the web remains a compelling environment for content providers.

via Ten CSS One-Liners to Replace Native Apps ∙ An A List Apart Blog Post.

These are relatively new standards and current browser implementation is still rolling. With any luck we’ll see wide adoption of the standards and a another way to build exciting websites.

Installing GlusterFS with a replicated volume on Ubuntu 14.04

GlusterFS is an open source distributed file system which provides easy replication over multiple storage nodes. Gluster File System is a distributed filesystem allowing you to create a single volume of storage which spans multiple disks, multiple machines and even multiple data centres.

via How to install GlusterFS with a replicated volume over 2 nodes on Ubuntu 14.04 | HowtoForge – Linux Howtos and Tutorials.

This seems like a good replacement for NFS, which has some issues.