A bad day for TwitPic users, the end is nigh

Twitpic will be shutting down September 25th. You will be able to export all your photos and videos. We’ll let everyone know when this feature is live in the next few days.This is an unexpected and hard announcement for us to make and we want to lay out what led us to this decision.A few weeks ago Twitter contacted our legal demanding that we abandon our trademark application or risk losing access to their API. This came as a shock to us since Twitpic has been around since early 2008, and our trademark application has been in the USPTO since 2009.

via Twitpic is shutting down | Twitpic Blog.

Another example of a BigCo flex some weird muscle and putting a perfectly fine operation out of business for no really good reason.

My general impression is that the trend is toward law schools losing control over websites and servers as more of that infrastructure gets centralized by the University. I think law schools have failed to adequately institutionalize a need for a strong law school tech presence by marginalizing professional IT staff into relatively weak support roles. The result of this marginalization is a lack of strategic tech leadership in law schools making it relatively easy for the Dean to cede control of tech over to a central parent organization. Of course once that control is lost, it is very difficult to get back.

In the long run central control may work out better for law schools anyway since there is a lot more innovation in the use of tech to support scholarship and teaching at the University level than there ever was in the law school and centralized control makes it more likely that  this innovation will actual come to the law school.

Said I, because someone asked.

So here’s my weird social media trend for the month: over the past couple of weeks I’ve picked up followers, suggestions, connections, etc from a number of real estate agents in Silicon Valley, L.A., and Vegas. Makes me wonder if they know something I don’t.