- RT @OReillyMedia: Learn how to use GitHub to manage and collaborate in “Introducing GitHub” by @PeterBell + Brent Beer @brntbeer http://t.c… 08:18:59, 2014-10-27
- RT @thepastrybox: Why kill a killer app? Thoughts on software, ethics, and living beyond our means. @eaton on @thepastrybox. https://t.co/n… 09:12:48, 2014-10-27
- LII adds IRS private letter rulings http://t.co/wt1WqQK72H 13:06:39, 2014-10-27
- My Twitter Digest for 10/26/2014 http://t.co/6jifz3VekR 15:30:19, 2014-10-27
- The Verge: A new project from Apple and Google alumni aims to fix an annoying Android problem http://t.co/0pdVkuuKvj 21:53:38, 2014-10-27