- Creating a Legal-Focused Search Engine http://t.co/uz2sKD9lmx [using Nutch and Solr to crawl and index secondary source material.] 08:51:08, 2014-12-17
- RT @opencontent: If we charged authors $0.01 for each <div> they inserted in content, maybe we could get decent markup. #DivProliferation #… 14:31:53, 2014-12-17
- ABA Section of Legal Education reports 2014 law school enrollment data « ABA News Archives http://t.co/uNbrfu5FGk 15:02:00, 2014-12-17
- My Twitter Digest for 12/16/2014 http://t.co/AQfXSx57QH 15:30:10, 2014-12-17