- yes @johnpmayer this is a good resource for more law librarians to contribute to. Page indicates several law librarians already contribute. in reply to johnpmayer 09:09:16, 2014-03-24
- John Palfrey becomes Knight Foundation board chair; Christopher Austen elected as new trustee http://t.co/0eddoEK2aU 10:41:38, 2014-03-24
- My Twitter Digest for 03/23/2014 http://t.co/NPLXlthxpf 15:32:43, 2014-03-24
Amazon Web Services Launches City on a Cloud Innovation Challenge
Cloud computing can help local governments to spur economic development, expand citizen services, and break through siloed bureaucracy by providing innovative & scalable services without wasting taxpayer funds on expensive and inflexible hardware infrastructure.
We’ve already seen a lot of amazing work, including GIS applications, emergency preparedness and response, open access to data, mobile applications, and more.
Our new City on a Cloud Innovation challenge is designed to recognize and reward the technologists responsible for putting the cloud to use for the benefit of local governments in eligible countries around the world.
via Amazon Web Services Blog: City on a Cloud Innovation Challenge.
Prizes totaling $250,000 in AWS credits will be awarded to winners in best practices in local government and application developer partners in innovation categories.
Sounds like a great opportunity for recognition of folks working to make local government better. Get all the details on the City on a Cloud Innovation Challenge page.
My Twitter Digest for 03/23/2014
- My Twitter Digest for 03/22/2014 http://t.co/hmrjZ9Db51 15:31:48, 2014-03-23
My Twitter Digest for 03/22/2014
- My Twitter Digest for 03/21/2014 http://t.co/CHy47l2JT6 15:30:46, 2014-03-22
My Twitter Digest for 03/21/2014
- RT @KUnlatched: Knowledge Unlatched Pilot Collection will become OA – Research Information http://t.co/8einPxR3mP 09:19:23, 2014-03-21
- RT @bjchapm: Pretty good overview: How the internet works, and why it’s impossible to know what makes your Netflix slow http://t.co/GDdE8H… 09:26:37, 2014-03-21
- Taking some time today to reinstall Windows 7 on the laptop. The 10 minute boot up times finally got to me yesterday. Wish me luck. 09:29:04, 2014-03-21
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/vRwQwOs3Hb @trbruce : Online discussion of free access to law: Video, storify, and tweets. @LIICornell 09:32:44, 2014-03-21
- @KenHirsh Yep, booting Windows 8 is certainly faster, but I need Win7 for development and testing. I've got Win8 on another laptop. in reply to KenHirsh 09:42:56, 2014-03-21
- My Twitter Digest for 03/20/2014 http://t.co/KYxAscs4YN 15:31:02, 2014-03-21
- Legal Ed Section's council deadlocks over tenure requirement in law school accreditation standards http://t.co/7NgpnGLM9r 16:30:37, 2014-03-21
- Updating LinkedIn’s Terms of Service http://t.co/dxyTWpWCVU via @LinkedIn 16:38:24, 2014-03-21
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/Oej7PszinM April 4 proposal submission deadline: CALICon 14: Conference for Law School Computing. @caliorg 17:06:55, 2014-03-21
- RT @probono: And the Oscar goes to… Illinois Legal Aid Online! Congratulations to ILAO and Gwen Daniels for winning a 2013… http://t.co/… 17:08:01, 2014-03-21
- Building A Photo Capture App With Apache Cordova and jQuery Mobile http://t.co/7Oy82kn6ZO http://t.co/Aiy6rew3Ge 17:24:42, 2014-03-21
- RT @EmrgencyKittens: best friends forever. http://t.co/zHT4gAYmJ6 17:57:43, 2014-03-21
Building A Photo Capture App With Apache Cordova and jQuery Mobile
Apache Cordova is a platform for building native mobile applications using common web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It offers a set of APIs that allow application developers to access objects such as audio, camera, and filesystem on mobile devices using JavaScript. Meanwhile, jQuery Mobile, one of the best mobile web application frameworks, allows developers to create web applications that are mobile-friendly. Here’s how you can use Apache Cordova with jQuery Mobile to create a native Android application that can capture camera photos or get photos from the gallery and save them on a device’s SD card.
via Build an app to capture photos using Apache Cordova and jQuery Mobile.
This looks like a fun weekend project. I’ll let you know how it goes.
My Twitter Digest for 03/20/2014
- RT @johnpmayer: When MOOC Profs Move http://t.co/jxg1VrXqL8 – gahh – OPEN should = CC licensed, but there you go. 09:03:58, 2014-03-20
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/XitUm3dflv WeCite Project, to build a free legal citator. @casetext @CodeXStanford 09:06:04, 2014-03-20
- RT @Westlaw: Is Law Code? http://t.co/kFEmtvphWU (via @lawyerist) 09:12:30, 2014-03-20
- RT @jgmilles: Appalachian School of Law to scale back class sizes, staff http://t.co/8uc5DedZsz 10:10:50, 2014-03-20
- I found my #FirstTweet: https://t.co/7V2DJZImy0. What was yours? https://t.co/rByxSXfTF1 10:11:56, 2014-03-20
- Ted Nelson Computer Lib Dream Machines – 1st edition 1974.pdf – Dropbox https://t.co/fpMfHt9XcC HT @davewiner 11:45:04, 2014-03-20
- My Twitter Digest for 03/19/2014 http://t.co/0x3sd3drTO 15:30:52, 2014-03-20
- RT @cyriloberlander: Librarian by Design: Library Publishing and Open Textbook Initiatives http://t.co/IcvLdO0I1c 16:32:09, 2014-03-20
My Twitter Digest for 03/19/2014
- RT @uscode: US Code: Volume 27 of 2012 Edition (Title 42 sections 1381-1400v) now available in print 08:10:57, 2014-03-19
- RT @mojavelinux: I'm going to be heads down most of this week grinding out code to prototype more outputs for #Asciidoctor, including ePub3. 08:11:51, 2014-03-19
- My Twitter Digest for 03/18/2014 http://t.co/xjqDKoSrbs 15:32:03, 2014-03-19
- Everyone just needs to learn to stop worrying and trust the network. 15:50:03, 2014-03-19
- RT @ZingJulie: PROJECTIONS FOR LAW SCHOOL ENROLLMENT FOR FALL 2014 http://t.co/EZOZIFgEG2 17:46:03, 2014-03-19
- Building a Legal Research Ontology » VoxPopuLII http://t.co/nQmTLeYRni 18:04:46, 2014-03-19
- Legal technology and communication submissions to Knight News Challenge 2014 http://t.co/KHMQOF6WHT via @wordpressdotcom 18:24:17, 2014-03-19
- Why You Shouldn’t Decide Anything Important At Your Board Meeting http://t.co/Ph0WbMxsji via @techcrunch 18:49:35, 2014-03-19
My Twitter Digest for 03/18/2014
- RT @tommyh: great blog post from @jenit: "Data Sharing is Not Open Data" https://t.co/gl3SITgA8q #opendata 08:17:56, 2014-03-18
- Microsoft Announces OneNote For Mac, Makes It Free Everywhere, Adds An API http://t.co/Mx8ZwDhMTs http://t.co/S4BxYIRfic 10:02:18, 2014-03-18
- RT @sglassmeyer: The real success of #reinventlaw is not the conferences or even the new dialog about #altlaw #newlaw It's happening in the… 10:36:54, 2014-03-18
- Reading: CALIcon14 Registration Now Open! http://t.co/efIcfJ3t5c by @caliorg 13:57:21, 2014-03-18
- RT @caliorg: CALIcon14 Registration is now open!! And announcing plenary speakers @textfiles and @libskrat !!… http://t.co/mCyjbTCy4o 14:07:36, 2014-03-18
- RT @sglassmeyer: so I just did this https://t.co/g3UUkujdGs #openlaw #LeanInLikeABawse 14:08:00, 2014-03-18
- RT @richmccue: Citation counts for #OpenData will drive researchers to openly publish their data <- @JohnWillinsky #UVic @UVicLib 14:10:14, 2014-03-18
- @sglassmeyer I still find G+ to be one social network too many. I don't like the interface + I see little original stuff, mostly reposts. in reply to sglassmeyer 14:16:18, 2014-03-18
- RT @jgmilles: Buffalo Law Buys Out Faculty, Holds Down Class Size #fb http://t.co/g5GZKomfn1 14:21:39, 2014-03-18
- Funny: Tried to launch a Hangout on Linux, couldn't get the plugin installed. Google decided evil was afoot and logged me out everywhere. 14:30:47, 2014-03-18
- Gears of war: When mechanical analog computers ruled the waves http://t.co/IOLg7EzA7J 14:45:52, 2014-03-18
- RT @opencontent: I'm ecstatic to announce that @lessig, @hjoseph, and @wilbanks will be our keynotes for #OpenEd14. Amazing lineup! http://… 14:58:37, 2014-03-18
- My Twitter Digest for 03/17/2014 http://t.co/s9PtzsoPRM 15:36:09, 2014-03-18
- . @sglassmeyer about 2 dozen at the moment but it's kind of quiet this afternoon. 3 different computers though. in reply to sglassmeyer 17:53:57, 2014-03-18
- @sglassmeyer I'd be happy with steam punk day. in reply to sglassmeyer 18:11:52, 2014-03-18
My Twitter Digest for 03/17/2014
- RT @richards1000: https://t.co/wOeDREPtUf @lookout releases a "responsive visualization framework for privacy policies". cc @margarethagan … 08:44:25, 2014-03-17
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/5R8FSoDswu Technology a focus of #ReInventLaw Workshop: Entrepreneurial Lawyering, March 15: Storify, tweets … 08:44:47, 2014-03-17
- RT @thepastrybox: "My Personal Organization Is a Joke." Freshly baked by @hoyboy from @happycog on @thepastrybox. https://t.co/Y2cjgeRjeo 08:47:58, 2014-03-17
- RT @trbruce: Highly amused by the fact that the form for requesting an ISSN number for an electronic journal in the US is…. PDF. 10:52:29, 2014-03-17
- RT @ATLJavaScript: AWESOME conference coming up: Great Wide Open, on April 2-3. Great lineup and speakers! Check it out: http://t.co/ZyzJSr… 10:54:11, 2014-03-17
- RT @LSTechTalk: Live at the top of the hour — http://t.co/cVVnuu1ceo #teknoids 10:58:00, 2014-03-17
- RT @lawyerist: We Can Close the Access-to-Justice Gap, But You’re Not Going to Like It http://t.co/yDk5AIfelg 11:06:51, 2014-03-17
- RT @LSTechTalk: Apparently our podcast has been moved has been moved: https://t.co/UuHMmZCTIn 11:07:31, 2014-03-17
- Trying out http://t.co/pPhpsY5oQi for a different way to communicate with the crew. 14:19:56, 2014-03-17
- My Twitter Digest for 03/16/2014 http://t.co/6M7NNHjThJ 15:30:19, 2014-03-17
- The key to any team communication platform is participation. If everyone on the team isn't using the platform it won't work. 16:48:28, 2014-03-17
- RT @cottinstef: LII's Tom Bruce Live! — Wednesday at 7PM (UTC -4) http://t.co/orLem8D72z @liicornell 16:54:02, 2014-03-17
- RT @richmccue: OpenAccess articles don't receive more citations than Closed Journal Articles but they do get read more! @JohnWillinsky #ALR… 16:54:57, 2014-03-17
- RT @Dries: Earthquake, live on TV https://t.co/sXqhQnHq8D 16:57:38, 2014-03-17
- Reading: Teaching Law Students to Program? http://t.co/lojXB5xB7k by @caliorg 17:54:45, 2014-03-17
- Entrepreneurial Lawyering Workshop At MSU http://t.co/mqOca4RH6e 17:56:14, 2014-03-17