My Twitter Digest for 03/10/2014

25 Useful Plugins for WordPress Multisite Networks

There’s always a lot of discussion on the WPMU DEV forums about this very topic, so I asked our support crew and developers what plugins they recommend people install on their network.
Whether you’re new to running a Multisite network or have been hosting your own network for some time, you’re sure to find many of the plugins below (in no particularly order) useful for managing your sites.

via 25 Must-Have Plugins for WordPress Multisite Networks – WPMU DEV.

If you’re running a multisite WordPress install this list of plugins is a pretty good place to start in the search for the right mix of features to run the network smoothly and provide useful options to your bloggers. We use many of these plugins on Classcaster, the free podcasting and blogging network for CALI members.


HeinOnline Law Reviews Now Available on Fastcase Adding Secondary Sources to the FC Mix

Today, we’re happy to launch the second phase of this partnership, integrating HeinOnline’s extensive law review collection in Fastcase. Using your Fastcase account, you now have access to search one of the most comprehensive databases of law review articles in the world. The HeinOnline collection includes more than 2,000 law review titles, each going back to the first page of the first volume. It’s by far the largest collections of law reviews and law journals in the world — and starting today, you can search the entire collection in Fastcase, and subscribe to HeinOnline whenever you want at a discount.

via Two Great Services that Work Great Together: Announcing HeinOnline Law Reviews on Fastcase « Fastcase.

This expansion of the Fastcase HeinOnline partnership that was announced last year brings secondary legal materials to researchers using Fastcase’s primary materials. Fastcase will offer its subscribers with suggested results from HeinOnline resources that compliment the primary resources found. Researchers need a separate subscription to HeinOnline to view the HO articles.

Overall this service will be a boon for Fastcase subscribers and make the service more valuable to legal researchers both in practice and in academia.

EpicEditor Is An Embedded Markdown Eidotr in JavaScript

EpicEditor is an embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor with split fullscreen editing, live previewing, automatic draft saving, offline support, and more. For developers, it offers a robust API, can be easily themed, and allows you to swap out the bundled Markdown parser with anything you throw at it.

via EpicEditor – An embeddable JavaScript Markdown editor.

A nice editor that you can embed in your project. Out of the box it supports Markdown but it is extensible so you can add or create parsers for other formats. It’s an open source project you can fork on Github.

Yes, Markdown is pretty neat but for academic and legal writing it lacks features like footnotes or endnotes. AsciiDoc is a better choice.Powered by Hackadelic Sliding Notes 1.6.5

Turn Your Raspberry Pi Into An FM Radio Transmitter

This simple hack turns your Raspberry Pi into a powerful FM transmitter! It has enough range to cover your home, DIY drive-in movie, a high school ball game, or even a bike parade (depending on the stragglers).
PiFM software not only boldly enhances the capability of your Pi, but does so with nothing more than a single length of wire. This hack starts with the absolute minimum you need to run a Raspberry Pi — an SD card, a power source, and the board itself — and adds one piece of wire. It’s the coolest Pi device we’ve ever seen with so few materials.

via Raspberry Pirate Radio | MAKE.

This looks like something interesting to try. Please note that running an unlicensed FM transmitter over a certain power level is against the law.

Yes, this is my law degree talking. The FCC has a nice page on low power radio stations that you may want to take a look at.Powered by Hackadelic Sliding Notes 1.6.5

ROG Front Base Control Panel Brings In Case Control To Gamer Builds

The ROG Front Base is a control panel that fits in two 5.25-inch bays within your PC case. While the OC Panel is aimed at more extreme users, with its liquid nitrogen-styled support for features such as VGA Hotwire and Subzero Sense, the Front Base is aimed at gamers who want all this:

  • Ultimate audio companion – Awesome front 3.5mm jack sound quality
  • One-click overclocking – Press for instant extra performance
  • Hit the button, hide your game – ‘Escape Mode’ instantly hides your gaming activity — any time
  • Monitor your system and control multiple fans – real-time management of the CPU cooler and up to four other case fans. All of them can be controlled individually.
  • Always-on USB charger – Quick charge in sleep, hibernate and shutdown modes

via Unboxing: ROG Front Base Dual-Bay Gaming Panel | Republic of Gamers.

This is the sort of thing that makes me want to sink some serious money into building a hot rod PC. Of course it may be useful on lower budget builds too, especially where you want to keep track of just what’s going inside the box without tying up desktop real estate.