- @johnpmayer Several of the services on the list don't have analytics and few have access to analytics on the long URLs being shortened. in reply to johnpmayer 09:45:12, 2014-03-07
- @johnpmayer Few law profs have access to analytics on click through rates for the full length URLs used for classes anyway. in reply to emasters 09:49:21, 2014-03-07
- @johnpmayer top 10 for what? If you're talking about short URLs for course materials, lists are sort of pointless. in reply to johnpmayer 09:52:44, 2014-03-07
- My Twitter Digest for 03/06/2014 http://t.co/Hu4XsI1wI4 15:30:25, 2014-03-07
- RT @johnpmayer: How the Web was Ghettoized for Teaching and Learning in Higher Ed? http://t.co/o4kndfTl2v [Read this now!] 16:26:58, 2014-03-07
- RT @WinstonF: Linus Torvalds is building a readable file save format for use with git, hates XML and JSON, loves asciidoc. https://t.co/5G… 22:21:37, 2014-03-07
- RT @davewiner: If the Web is Small Pieces Loosely Joined, Web 2.0 is Small Pieces Trapped In A Silo. http://t.co/siAVY1LgDt 22:25:06, 2014-03-07
- RT @jbrauer: Often the hardest part of parenting is not cracking up at the height of the drama. 23:07:27, 2014-03-07
AWS Opens Access Logs for Elastic Load Balancers
Today we are giving you additional insight into the operation of your Elastic Load Balancers with the addition of an access log feature. After you enable and configure this feature for an Elastic Load Balancer, log files will be delivered to the Amazon S3 bucket of your choice. The log files contain information about each HTTP and TCP request processed by the load balancer.
via Amazon Web Services Blog: Access Logs for Elastic Load Balancers.
This has been a long time coming but it is a welcome development. I’m looking forward to plowing through those access logs and running my own analysis on them.
My Twitter Digest for 03/06/2014
- RT @ddraper: Beyond Inspiration – Mind Mapping Software http://t.co/qzRzpXe8FJ #csdedtech 09:30:25, 2014-03-06
- RT @davewiner: 1 World Trade Center: TIME's View From The Top Of NYC http://t.co/7BanKT18lL 09:41:43, 2014-03-06
- RT @mikesax: 6 stages of debugging
1 That can't happen
2 It works my machine
3 It shouldn't happen
4 Why does this happen?
5 Ah!
6 How did… 09:43:49, 2014-03-06 - RT @trbruce: As often happens, SW work profoundly affecting the legal sector is not being done in the legal sector: http://t.co/kdUDcRnDH0 13:01:43, 2014-03-06
- RT @krues8dr: Well, since the cat is already out of the bag… http://t.co/9q5aFEB0qM is now fully operational. .@StateDecoded 13:02:38, 2014-03-06
- RT @Jacob_Heller: RT @casetext: New design for @casetext: https://t.co/KOAiJAFM6z. –> let me know your thoughts! 13:04:57, 2014-03-06
- RT @sglassmeyer: time for my usual rant: legal will never fully be able to disrupt as long as raw material for tech cores – the law – is cl… 13:05:29, 2014-03-06
- RT @openatrium: New blog post by @MikePPhD: Using Blueprints to clone spaces in Open Atrium 2 http://t.co/mdebewp0Kd #collaboration #drupal 13:15:02, 2014-03-06
- Good analogy @sglassmeyer A question: how many cupcakes do you make with that mix vs. How many do you by from a professional baker? in reply to sglassmeyer 13:19:47, 2014-03-06
- RT @CopyrightLibn: Content owners: I get how you benefit by hosting everything & exerting more control. Worth noting: libs can only preserv… 13:22:40, 2014-03-06
- RT @OccupyWallSt: The problem. #CPAC2014 http://t.co/Rvh44jOYff 13:44:02, 2014-03-06
- My Twitter Digest for 03/05/2014 http://t.co/0S9lXbuc78 15:31:17, 2014-03-06
- @johnpmayer you could tell then to use the CALI shortner. in reply to johnpmayer 21:33:50, 2014-03-06
- RT @johnpmayer: Law teaching rubrics http://t.co/S3avA3HmMm 21:34:27, 2014-03-06
- Yes @sglassmeyer law faculty should just go make something and @caliorg provides an array of resources. http://t.co/acRM6fiuEq in reply to sglassmeyer 21:41:35, 2014-03-06
My Twitter Digest for 03/05/2014
- RT @glambert: Neota Logic's Six Steam Engines of Modern Legal Services #3Geeks – 6 current shifts and how law forms adapted or not http://t… 07:58:53, 2014-03-05
- RT @uscode: US Code: Volume 25 of 2012 Edition (Title 39 to Title 42 sections 1-299c-7) now available in print 07:59:20, 2014-03-05
- No More Forever Projects @dianakimball on @thepastrybox. https://t.co/VxlULb1Aak 08:03:39, 2014-03-05
- RT @caliorg: Mississippi Legal Research – Primary Sources | CALI – Your partner in legal education and… http://t.co/1FRm0FVLoz 14:23:19, 2014-03-05
- Gamify My Class | Level up Education http://t.co/XEQ5vhyqOV [Wordpress plugin that gamifies a set of posts. #Classcaster games?] 15:25:29, 2014-03-05
- My Twitter Digest for 03/04/2014 http://t.co/5ukgNu7PdY 15:31:05, 2014-03-05
- RT @sglassmeyer: having major nerd meltdown over scalar http://t.co/P2WGYZDExw If you do edu or epublishing, check it out. 16:50:04, 2014-03-05
- RT @joshuafoust: From the internet: http://t.co/UBYqBLbS2u 16:51:27, 2014-03-05
My Twitter Digest for 03/04/2014
- The #teknoids mailing list is down this morning. The proper authorities have been notified. Archives online at http://t.co/Vmqz3ElDnZ. 08:49:24, 2014-03-04
- CourseSmart, the publishing industry's e-textbook provider, acquired by Vital Source | Inside Higher Ed http://t.co/VeWwrDpGw9 09:20:38, 2014-03-04
- RT @mediacurrent: For anyone interested in starting their own #Drupalcamp, we have resources for you! #Drupal http://t.co/rRPdXBRjKk 09:22:54, 2014-03-04
- The #Teknoids mailing list is back. ICYW Teknoids is a list for law school IT and EdTech folk. It has 1085 subscribers and it's 22 yrs old. 10:28:56, 2014-03-04
- RT @webchick: E-mail: *Still* not an instant messaging client. 11:40:45, 2014-03-04
- RT @PCMag: Doh! Twitter Accidentally Issues Mass Password Reset: http://t.co/M1uqgxwRZo http://t.co/C1mGTgxuLQ 11:41:59, 2014-03-04
- RT @jpalfrey: Knight Foundation: Trends in Civic Tech http://t.co/KjBn7f6AnZ 11:47:48, 2014-03-04
- RT @waldojaquith: “All y’all” is a perfectly useful grammatical construct that is sadly unemployable outside the south, because northerners… 11:48:07, 2014-03-04
- CampusPress: WordPress Hosting for Schools and Universities http://t.co/IeSdV9HiAz 14:14:47, 2014-03-04
- PHP Keeps Getting Better http://t.co/yABLD3hpKN 14:33:49, 2014-03-04
- My Twitter Digest for 03/03/2014 http://t.co/pTsPRaJ7DZ 15:30:44, 2014-03-04
- RT @KyleKCourtney: Hollaback @sglassmeyer @emasters @johnpmayer et al. RT @txtbks: Law open textbooks mentioned by @dernst at #sparc2014 ar… 16:10:34, 2014-03-04
- RT @txtbks: Law open textbooks mentioned by @dernst at #sparc2014 are from @caliorg 16:10:41, 2014-03-04
My Twitter Digest for 03/03/2014
- RT @robertcastelo: "Only 90s Web Developers Remember This" brings back memories of how hacky the early web used to be… http://t.co/QQpZqx… 08:34:27, 2014-03-03
- RT @davewiner: Why lawyers blog. http://t.co/IbYbfO7ahN 08:37:19, 2014-03-03
- Who Really Owns America’s Large Mutinationals? It’s Hard To Say According to Penn Law Prof. http://t.co/o6oVu7ag3f 12:32:03, 2014-03-03
- RT @richmccue: Promised blog post for @_valeriei @drtonybates @janniaragon: New EdTech + Old Pedagogy = No Significant Difference http://t.… 12:35:09, 2014-03-03
- RT @mskiwifruit: Use this chart to avoid using #edtech for techs sake http://t.co/XAAAizPLRW http://t.co/59EI1qDwIl (via @Katie_M_Ritter) 13:44:14, 2014-03-03
- My Twitter Digest for 03/02/2014 http://t.co/U5kmzjWjye 15:30:10, 2014-03-03
- Study: Massive Online Courses Enroll An Average Of 43,000 Students, 10% Completion http://t.co/d9rm1YaTnU via @techcrunch 16:44:30, 2014-03-03
- News Corp's education unit launches digital lessons http://t.co/cGdEDZaXvl via @reuters 17:22:33, 2014-03-03
- LIME Is A Web Based Text Editor That Helps XMLize Your Legal Docs http://t.co/TEOPwsuddZ 17:57:44, 2014-03-03
- RT @kadesoto: Look how great @davewiner's Fargo is at documenting research notes. Was a cinch to put this together. http://t.co/JarHGvEe37… 18:10:10, 2014-03-03
- RT @b0ringtweets: Retweet if you think this photo of a staple can beat Ellen DeGeneres world record tweet. http://t.co/a6hl5Iao5w 22:07:37, 2014-03-03
- RT @mikelisavich: The resources at @GoogleVentures are simply phenomenal… that is all. #startups http://t.co/d81vs0rWMy 22:16:54, 2014-03-03
- RT @davewiner: What's Behind the Free PDF of "It's Complicated." http://t.co/i9ypfYtI6L 22:39:18, 2014-03-03
- RT @ETLinitiative: Dan Rodriguez: Wisdom of the law school crowds http://t.co/ULbCP307DG 23:24:44, 2014-03-03
PHP Keeps Getting Better
PHP 5.5 (the latest stable build as of this writing) has made major progress from earlier versions. Recent PHP releases contain powerful new features and helpful developer tools, such as a built-in web server, generators for simpler iteration, and namespaces. With PHP 5.4, traits were introduced (a la Scala or Perl) to allow code reuse in single inheritance languages, as well as closures, which allow you to code PHP in a functional style. Other important features include the built-in FastCGI process manager and phpdbg debugger, and a new password hashing API that makes it easy to hash and securely manage passwords in PHP.
via The new PHP – Programming – O’Reilly Media.
Article highlights some of the major improvements to PHP as the language matures. Always good to know that my favorite language keeps getting better.
LIME Is A Web Based Text Editor That Helps XMLize Your Legal Docs
LIME is an extremely customizable web based editor that guides the user through the markup of non structured documents into well formed (optionally valid) structured XML document compliant to the language plugin chosen by the user. The LIME editor is an open source software and relies on many open source technologies. LIME is currently under development by the CIRSFID and the University of Bologna. Read the documentation page for more information about LIME and the team page for more information about the LIME team.
via About LIME | LIME.
The editor is designed to support conversion of non-structured legal documents into Akoma Ntoso XML. The editor’s modular structure allows you to add other plugins so that it can support a range of XML schemas including various national versions of Akoma Ntoso and more general markup such as TEI. You can find the code on Github if you want to take it for a local spin.
I’m interested in taking a look at this to see if it can work with US court opinions. Perhaps it will give me an editor that I can use to convert opinions into that court opinion DTD I put together so many years ago.
My Twitter Digest for 03/02/2014
- RT @wpmayor: 10 Best WordPress Portfolio and Resume Themes http://t.co/z8RKB0ITTl
#wordpress 08:57:39, 2014-03-02 - My Twitter Digest for 03/01/2014 http://t.co/mXfzFph3cS 15:30:08, 2014-03-02
Who Really Owns America’s Large Mutinationals? It’s Hard To Say According to Penn Law Prof.
There is no way to tell whether America’s largest multinational companies – the Googles, Apples and Ciscos of the world – are in fact American-owned, a surprising gap in financial reporting that has important implications for U.S. international tax policy, according to new research by a University of Pennsylvania Law School professor.
The research by Chris William Sanchirico suggests that the extent of foreign ownership of U.S. multinationals is unknown even to the companies themselves, due to the way many shares of stock are purchased and registered.
Sanchirico, the Samuel A. Blank Professor of Law, is co-director of the Center for Tax Law & Policy. His research paper As American As Apple Inc. was recently issued by the Penn Law Institute for Law & Economics.
via Who owns Apple? New research from Penn Law argues no one really knows • Penn Law.
Interesting article that highlights an intriguing issue with America’s largest multinationals: who benefits from the tax benefits the corporations receive? Since it is often not clear who owns stock in these corps and the businesses take advantage of US tax law to move profits offshore, any sort of tax break given for repatriating those profits may actually have more benefit to foreign than US stock holders.