- RT @mojavelinux: 5 things to know about the GitHub #Asciidoctor upgrade. Learn what's new, what works, what doesn't. http://t.co/alm0dNblMF 08:02:22, 2014-02-04
- RT @mojavelinux: "One thing I've seen that kills a framework more than anything else is lack of backwards compatibility." – @mraible 21:28:48, 2014-02-04
New Version of KeePass Password Manager Reminds Us We Need Better Security
Dominik Reichl has released KeePass 2.25 for Windows. The open-source password management tool allows users to manage both offline and online passwords via a secure, encrypted container, and is also available in portable form.
Version 2.25 is a minor update, but introduces a new auto-type key sending engine that improves support for sending Unicode characters as well as sending keypresses into virtual machine and emulator windows.
via KeePass introduces new auto-key sending engine, improves entry attachment handling.
New update to the popular password manager. This is one of those utilities that everyone should consider using. And it’s open source. And it’s free. And it runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux. And there’s a portable version. And it works with virtual machines. And why aren’t you using it?
You can find all the details on the KeePass Password Safe website, the official website of KeePass.
My Twitter Digest for 02/03/2014
- RT @wpmudev: Why Front-End Editing Is A Drag And Should Be Dropped – http://t.co/1eszRzwLhH 08:15:12, 2014-02-03
- RT @freenodestaff: We're experiencing a DDOS attack across some of our servers at present, please bear with and out sponsors as we deal wit… 11:04:35, 2014-02-03
- RT @ProfJonathan: And Law School Tech Talk is on the air! #lstechtalk http://t.co/0mGPObLUyY 11:28:35, 2014-02-03
- For those interested in proposed #CALIcon14 sessions see page at http://t.co/lMiYDuFNOe or subscribe to the feed at http://t.co/RMhb1iXk8M 14:10:47, 2014-02-03
- Wondering if @MindTouch shutdown services . mindtouch . com thereby killing all MindTouch Core sites? 16:13:54, 2014-02-03
- From my blog: Google Chromecast Now Open To All Developers | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/DemBCZFypm 20:48:07, 2014-02-03
Google Chromecast Now Open To All Developers
When Google launched its Chromecast HDMI dongle, it only allowed a small set of developers to create applications for it. The company always promised, though, that it would soon open the platform up to all developers. Today, it is doing just that.
Developers can now download the Google Cast Software Development Kit and build Chromecast support right into their apps and websites. The company says integrating the SDK is “simple.” Developers do have to pay a $5 registration fee, though, which gives them access to the Google Cast SDK Developer Console so they can register their apps and authorize devices for testing.
via Google Opens Chromecast To All Developers | TechCrunch.
This is good news. I can’t wait to see HBO Go and the Xfinity TV apps on Chromecast. It will be interesting to see just what gets developed for this. I wonder if Miracast compatibility will be coming too.
My Twitter Digest for 02/02/2014
- RT @hereinthehive: My next article is up on @thepastrybox 'The Web, Code & The Classroom': https://t.co/GfseSRbtPt 07:45:26, 2014-02-02
- RT @sglassmeyer: Interesting counter programming… Discovery ID is having a "Wives With Knives" marathon. 18:32:16, 2014-02-02
My Twitter Digest for 01/31/2014
- RT @adii: Marketing is just the scaleable version of sales.
To get good at marketing, you need to be great at selling first. 09:53:19, 2014-01-31
- RT @sglassmeyer: Happy Friday. A somewhat silly new blog post: A Legal Tech Allegory http://t.co/HNO57LdS3B 13:26:28, 2014-01-31
- RT @SoCalTaxProf: Call for Speakers: CALI Conference at Harvard Law School — The Next Wave http://t.co/RGKDQLNJVM 14:34:23, 2014-01-31
- RT @pattonoswalt: Since there's no new ep of #TrueDetective this Sunday, @HBO is suggesting you strangle a teenage drifter and read The Boo… 15:25:55, 2014-01-31
My Twitter Digest for 01/30/2014
- To help with travel plans @sglassmeyer it is useful to know that HLS is in Cambridge. Differences in taxis comes to mind for example. in reply to sglassmeyer 13:29:21, 2014-01-30
- @sglassmeyer I get those & just toss 'em. They're just junk. Mostly I feel sad for anyone trying to earn a buck by guesting on my blog. in reply to sglassmeyer 15:12:26, 2014-01-30
- RT @OReillyMedia: Free Stock Photos – Stock Photos that don’t suck http://t.co/Hr6Ek9ORJH 15:18:34, 2014-01-30
- RT @GetEditorially: “Remote working encourages habits of communication and collaboration that can make a team objectively better.” http://t… 15:41:33, 2014-01-30
- You might not need jQuery http://t.co/amXj5WHpMg #YMNNJQ via @HubSpotDev [Very interesting.] 17:01:08, 2014-01-30
- RT @carlmalamud: Saying hello to @Arkbar Here's a copy of the Official Arkansas Code Annotated for your members. http://t.co/8X0Oi7WYPT 22:12:07, 2014-01-30
My Twitter Digest for 01/29/2014
- RT @uscode: US Code: Volume 24 of 2012 Edition (Title 36 to Title 38) now available in print 09:32:17, 2014-01-29
- RT @trbruce: Handy piece on scrapers for non-programmers:http://http://t.co/S3yLj2zECI 10:45:42, 2014-01-29
- The latest from Peter Martin: Costs of the (Increasingly) Lengthy Path to U.S. Report Pagination « Citing Legally http://t.co/wTcuez7z0z 10:49:42, 2014-01-29
- If you have any interest in free/open access to law you need to follow Peter Martin at Citing Legally http://t.co/BsY7r3eqmq 10:55:12, 2014-01-29
- RT @caliorg: It's Always Warm and Sunny on the Internet… http://t.co/ndqe7NE5iE 14:29:38, 2014-01-29
- RT @DebQuentel: MT @johnpmayer: Lawschool classes cancelled? Friends overstaying theirwelcome? Try http://t.co/rrd9C0ewin – 1 of @caliorg … 14:30:51, 2014-01-29
- Duke University Press puts over 1600 books online http://t.co/pThS8KGnz0 16:26:34, 2014-01-29
How the US CCA generate PDFs
A real quick look at PDFs from the Circuit Courts reveals how the PDFs they release are generated.
- 1st – Corel WordPerfect
- 2nd – Microsoft Word
- 3rd – Microsoft Word
- 4th – Microsoft Word
- 5th – Corel WordPerfect
- 6th – ? not obvious from PDF meta data
- 7th – Microsoft Word
- 8th – Corel WordPerfect
- 9th – Corel WordPerfect
- 10th – Microsoft Word
- 11th – Microsoft Word
- DC – Adobe
- Fed – Adobe
Information was obtained by simply downloading a recent PDF and looking at the properties of the file for creation information.
My Twitter Digest for 01/28/2014
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/ajoRPsSJ5K new from @judsonmitchell : Github, Forking, and Access to Justice. #a2j @github 06:46:42, 2014-01-28
- RT @richards1000: http://t.co/6gsxCUIQ41 @brianwc : It is Long Past Time For Free Online Access to The Law: @FreeLawProject . @CodeXStanford 06:47:20, 2014-01-28
- Saturday February 22, 2014 is Open Data Day. Check http://t.co/oyrt8ytoEl for details, including events near you. 07:09:41, 2014-01-28
- RT @JosephLatas: I accumulated 5 @caliorg awards in my first year of #lawschool. I'm glad that hard work and sacrificing time and energy pa… 11:32:52, 2014-01-28
- See, I create nice things. If you take them and feed them to badgers they won't be nice anymore. But that isn't my problem. 11:37:06, 2014-01-28
- RT @SunFoundation: Nota bene from our @konklone: We encrypt our Congress API with HTTPS by default. Here's why: http://t.co/NhYGIQmRgL 12:06:54, 2014-01-28
- RT @eaton: Good morning internet here is your video of a cat playing the theremin. https://t.co/z5kHo485cL /via @substitute 12:14:10, 2014-01-28
- RT @MikeElk: excellent clip of Pete Seeger & Johnny Cash playing together http://t.co/T7b2Vmm4Wq 12:20:24, 2014-01-28
- RT @carlmalamud: Letter to Senator @joshmckoon of Georgia, cc @RepDougCollins @RepHankJohnson In re code. http://t.co/1I4YE0kYxl 16:54:06, 2014-01-28
- RT @johnpmayer: How @caliorg used commodity hardware and free services to livestream an entire conference http://t.co/XmN05wR02Y – paraphra… 16:54:44, 2014-01-28
- From my blog: Google Harnesses Apache Cordova To Bring Chrome Apps To Android And iOS | <CONTENT /> v.6 http://t.co/k0olsFQJir 22:31:06, 2014-01-28
- RT @JillBidenVeep: This feels like when you leave your TV on and you unknowingly watch the first 10 minutes of The 700 Club. #GOPresponse 22:58:55, 2014-01-28