- Open source alternative to proprietary Android app stores | http://t.co/VoR77wmO39 http://t.co/IPS14KnFN0 06:56:40, 2015-01-27
- RT @idiot: http://t.co/mM26jjLYnn 11:00:26, 2015-01-27
- Go To Hellman: Why GitHub is Important for Book Publishing http://t.co/uevyBgxMT0 18:27:43, 2015-01-27
- RT @davewiner: Philip Greenspun: Good free tools for running a virtual class? (Google Drive and Hangouts are not sufficient). http://t.co/V… 20:32:05, 2015-01-27
How Google Scholar Undercuts Jurisdictions Going Digital While It Could as Easily Support them « Citing Legally http://citeblog.access-to-law.com/?p=279