- RT @caliorg: Blog post: 25, 250,000, 2,500,000 AND 10,000,000 by @johnpmayer… http://t.co/4Kq74Pq6Ra 12:02:21, 2015-03-06
- Mediacurrent | Inbound Marketing 101 – http://t.co/fBLUko21FN http://t.co/PRKTEXktqt 13:24:13, 2015-03-06
- Using DejaDup To Back Up Your Ubuntu Desktop http://t.co/MyDcKUg0RV 16:20:31, 2015-03-06
- Elsevier illegally sold me a Creative Commons non-commercial licensed article http://t.co/NEGue6m6f3 19:32:12, 2015-03-06
- RT @hypothes_is: Paste a link to any page on the net and annotate it thru our new via service. https://t.co/JWvJ82y98f 19:34:46, 2015-03-06
- RT @webchick: There's a ready-made set of #Drupal contributor tools (*AMP stack, IRC client, Git, etc.) to jump-start new folks! https://t.… 19:36:19, 2015-03-06
Using DejaDup To Back Up Your Ubuntu Desktop
Déjà Dup is a nice graphical wrapper around the command line backup tool duplicity. It hides the complexity of backing up the Right Way (encrypted, off-site, and regular) and uses duplicity as the back end. Déjà Dup does not use cron or similar schedulers. Rather, it starts a program deja-dup-monitor when you log into your session. This keeps track of when you last successfully backed up and will wait until the next scheduled backup.
via How to backup your Ubuntu Desktop with DejaDup.
Back ups are very important. Probably something I should do with my desktops more often.
Mediacurrent | Inbound Marketing 101 – http://www.mediacurrent.com/blog/inbound-marketing-101
My Twitter Digest for 03/03/2015
- My Twitter Digest for 03/02/2015 http://t.co/DGtVQSH96m 15:30:38, 2015-03-03
- RT @AdrianLurssen: Vince Vaughn and Co-stars Pose for Idiotic Stock Photos You Can Have for Free http://t.co/1USyBoXLl0 #hilarious 16:54:03, 2015-03-03
- GitLab acquires Gitorious to bolster its on premise code collaboration platform http://t.co/Aeb7bma4ZU 17:51:06, 2015-03-03
- RT @davidpwhelan: A free ebook for law students interested in legal technology (& for faculty to reuse, repurpose) http://t.co/RfybHNSuGX a… 22:16:39, 2015-03-03
- RT @paulchason: @mediacurrent launched an entirely new #highered web experience for @butleru at https://t.co/ezUGN6boLh on #Drupal this mor… 22:21:08, 2015-03-03
My Twitter Digest for 03/02/2015
- RT @sglassmeyer: New blog post: The Sixth Estate | Sarah Glassmeyer (dot) com http://t.co/uTzDqi7mvv 08:22:35, 2015-03-02
- RT @LegalScholBlog: Open Access and the Law Symposium—Dallas, TX: The University of North Texas–Dallas College of Law is sponsorin… http:… 14:47:39, 2015-03-02
- ToolScape | Enhancing how-to videos http://t.co/x35csP7fof 15:48:51, 2015-03-02
- Cobi – Communitysourcing Large-Scale Conference Scheduling http://t.co/FIlnFdyYlK 16:15:41, 2015-03-02
- Economist Thomas Piketty to speak at Harvard Law School March 6; discussion will be webcast live from 2-4 pm http://t.co/fXyXYgiUqX 17:39:31, 2015-03-02
- If You Love Something, Set It Free: Unreal Engine 4 is now available to everyone for free, and all… http://t.co/7iUCEMws2F 17:43:33, 2015-03-02
- Pausing http://t.co/cpgfvLRaIc via @wordpressdotcom 17:54:09, 2015-03-02
- Maqetta is a drag and drop UI design tool that runs in your browser http://t.co/o7dDlWHE6z 18:05:10, 2015-03-02
- RT @rdlankes: The problem folks have with my quote about "an empty room with a librarian in it is a library" is too narrow a view of librar… 20:14:04, 2015-03-02
Maqetta is a drag and drop UI design tool that runs in your browser
Drag-and-drop HTML5 authoring in your browser
Need to prototype an HTML5 app? Forget coding. Hand-eye coordination is just about all you need to prototype with Maqetta, a browser-based WYSIWYG tool for desktop and mobile applications. This first article in a three-part series introduces this free, open source project that runs in a browser and lets designers drag and drop a rich set of widgets to build live UI mockups. In Part 1, get to know Maqetta’s major functions and features while prototyping a realistic mobile application.
Maqetta means mockup, Part 1: Design an HTML5 mobile UI http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/opensource/library/mo-maqetta-1/index.html?ca=drs-
If You Love Something, Set It Free: Unreal Engine 4 is now available to everyone for free, and all future updates will be free! https://www.unrealengine.com/blog/ue4-is-free
Economist Thomas Piketty to speak at Harvard Law School March 6; discussion will be webcast live from 2-4 pm
Renowned economist Thomas Piketty, professor of Economics, EHESS and at the Paris School of Economics, will speak at Harvard Law School Friday, March 6, from 2-4 pm.
Piketty will debate his bestselling book Capital in the Twenty-First Centurywith several Harvard faculty, including: Sven Beckert Laird Bell Professor of American History, Harvard University;Christine Desan, Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law, Harvard Law School; David Kennedy, Manley O. Hudson Professor of Law, Harvard Law School; and Stephen Marglin, Walter S. Barker Chair in the Department of Economics, Harvard University.
The discussion will be live at http://media.fas.harvard.edu/core/live/hls-live.html on 3/6 at 2 PM ET.