My Twitter Digest for 12/30/2015

My Twitter Digest for 12/28/2015

Trying out Open Live Writer

This is Open Live Writer, an open source fork of the MSFT blog editor Live Writer.

Open Live Writer is like Word for your blog. Open Live Writer is a powerful, lightweight blog editor that allows you to create blog posts, add photos and videos then publish to your website. You can also compose blogs posts offline and then publish on your return. Open Live Writer works with many popular blog service providers such as WordPress, Blogger, TypePad, Moveable Type, DasBlog and many more.

It is a desktop app that gets along well, so far, in Windows 10. I’m sure it’d work just fine in earlier versions of Windows too.

  1. This is a list
  2. It should be ordered
  3. Last bit
  • Or maybe just some bullets
  • And so on.
    1. Mix it up
      1. Levels
        • and more levels
    2. many funs
  • And out.

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

san francisco This is a picture. The image handling features are nice.

I can center a paragraph for reason I’ll not disclose.

Link me!

Seems good. Now let’s post…

So you want Git, Docker, and continuous integration for your documents?

The power of GitDocker, and continuous integration (CI) can be leveraged to makeTeX document compilation easy while keeping track of different variants and versions. On the top of these technologies, a flexible workflow can be developed to reflect successive changes in TeX documents in each PDF—versioned with a progressive number, document-v4.pdf, say. 

Git, Docker, and continuous integration for TeX documents |

This makes me think about every time I hear someone say all we need for legislation/court documents/legal documents is Github. The workflow described in this article would indeed solve any number of document issues, but I can’t imagine in my world really using this.