20 Free Chrome Extensions for WordPress You Need Now – WPMU DEV http://premium.wpmudev.org/blog/chrome-extensions/
My Twitter Digest for 08/12/2015
- My Twitter Digest for 08/11/2015 http://t.co/Ri6xcv78v4 15:30:14, 2015-08-12
- RT @PCMag: Windows 10 for Raspberry Pi now available for free http://t.co/P3muklUIqn http://t.co/ZNBMTXhoZT 21:39:50, 2015-08-12
My Twitter Digest for 08/11/2015
- Design electronic circuits with open source SaaS MeowCAD http://t.co/NsVKFzYA87 http://t.co/M77b98Vc51 09:49:58, 2015-08-11
- RT @CanLII: New President Named For CanLII: @XBT
http://t.co/ks9J9m35Bb 10:07:13, 2015-08-11 - RT @aaron_dewald: Beautiful day for an #assesschat. Won't you join me @ 11 MT? I'll be Periscoping to share ideas live as well as joining t… 10:24:08, 2015-08-11
- RT @PCMag: HTC declared effectively worthless; LG’s profit margins fall to a penny a phone http://t.co/qHdervJlJV http://t.co/L33LpEilXE 10:31:31, 2015-08-11
- My Twitter Digest for 08/10/2015 http://t.co/3FsHrvOHWz 15:30:11, 2015-08-11
- RT @sglassmeyer: Oh hey look it's a library tech services department at Christmas! http://t.co/zcycOrqqDL 21:32:55, 2015-08-11
My Twitter Digest for 08/10/2015
- One Tweet Shows What Silicon Valley Really Thinks of the People It's Crushing by @jacksmithiv http://t.co/wNUGrvDfWJ via @MicNews 10:03:21, 2015-08-10
- RT @caliorg: This IS CALI! >900 web-lessons covering 40 different legal subject areas. Free to law students (*at member schools) http://t.… 15:08:58, 2015-08-10
- My Twitter Digest for 08/09/2015 http://t.co/Nfi0uUhtCs 15:30:49, 2015-08-10
- RT @WIRED: This is what Google, I mean Alphabet, looks like now http://t.co/SN2jFhNhqV 22:13:25, 2015-08-10
Design electronic circuits with open source SaaS MeowCAD
MeowCAD is an online free and open source electronic design application tool. Its focus is on schematic and PCB design for electronic circuits.
MeowCAD is the first completely free and open source, software-as-a-service, electronic design tool and provides a free and open source alternative where there wasn’t one before. Ultimately, the value of an online electronics design community comes from its members. People are encouraged to fork the project, stand up their own servers, or just use MeowCAD directly to create their own electronics projects and share with the community.
Source: Design electronic circuits with MeowCAD
Some fun stuff for the maker crowd.
My Twitter Digest for 08/09/2015
- My Twitter Digest for 08/08/2015 http://t.co/VOu82YYDDb 15:30:48, 2015-08-09
- RT @waldojaquith: Great piece by @SethTupper about the problem, common to all U.S. states, of only making laws available to lawyers. http:/… 20:37:03, 2015-08-09
- RT @davewiner: Using Slack for your server logs. http://t.co/YEOTkVuW0W 20:41:35, 2015-08-09
My Twitter Digest for 08/08/2015
- Any #librarians? RT @jvinopal: Bypassing Interlibrary Loan Via Twitter: An Exploration of #icanhazpdf Requests http://t.co/jBF1i94fjp 08:44:32, 2015-08-08
- RT @caliorg: #eLangdell Books coming to Amazon starting w/ Law School Materials for Success by Barbara Glesner-Fines http://t.co/eaLHYtYvzH… 10:22:08, 2015-08-08
- The Ultimate Linux/Unix/BSD cheatsheet: Unix Toolbox http://t.co/E1RmkY6h9e 12:22:56, 2015-08-08
- RT @caliorg: CALI is proud to announce its first free and open casebook for legal research! http://t.co/MCCMJj5Ipy 14:50:40, 2015-08-08
- My Twitter Digest for 08/07/2015 http://t.co/fipdy1Aw1j 15:30:58, 2015-08-08
My Twitter Digest for 08/07/2015
- Start automating your business tasks with Slack — Why Not? — Medium http://t.co/HNX3ylMKnG 08:21:04, 2015-08-07
- My Twitter Digest for 08/06/2015 http://t.co/TGtTs2Vp26 15:30:13, 2015-08-07
- RT @davewiner: Verizon kills off service contracts, smartphone subsidies. http://t.co/rAIYXFQlEc 17:13:43, 2015-08-07
The Ultimate Linux/Unix/BSD cheatsheet: Unix Toolbox
A collection of Unix/Linux/BSD commands and tasks which are useful for IT work or for advanced users, a compact and practical reference.
— Unix Toolboox : http://cb.vu/unixtoolbox.xhtml
Unix Toolbox is also available as a 58 page PDF download at http://cb.vu/unixtoolbox.pdf if you want your own copy. It’s a pretty handy document to have.
My Twitter Digest for 08/06/2015
- Forgot your @caliorg login info after a long summer? No worries. Visit http://t.co/Krdh6qpoNh and we'll send you a reset. #lawschool 11:20:58, 2015-08-06
- RT @jasonschmidt123: The Open Textbook Network http://t.co/KV0onbZsiM #mootus15 @dernst – over 75 institutions nationally. 11:24:35, 2015-08-06
- RT @cliniccases: Version 7.2 released today with better mobile support and built-in pdf reader! https://t.co/ObuLnIWY5o 13:52:43, 2015-08-06
- Ran the upgrade to Windows 10. Took less than 30 minutes from Win7 Home Prem. It didn't blowup Grub2 so the Linux dual boot still works. 15:01:50, 2015-08-06
- My Twitter Digest for 08/05/2015 http://t.co/JAUFK1sNCn 15:30:15, 2015-08-06
- @sglassmeyer I tried, but holy cow, that entire pile just makes me very angry. It is a clown car. in reply to sglassmeyer 17:09:58, 2015-08-06
- RT @ronmartinez: .@brianbeutler This also explains what's happening to the GOP pretty neatly:
http://t.co/Lc5ufehr9c 17:12:58, 2015-08-06 - @sglassmeyer There ain't enough bourbon in Kentucky… in reply to sglassmeyer 18:07:42, 2015-08-06
- RT @SlackHQ: Want to search specifically for things people have added reactions to? Reload, and you can! #changelog #reacji #nice http://t.… 18:08:26, 2015-08-06
- I'm rathering enjoying Windows 10. Edge, the new browser, is fast easy to use. This Twitter client is pretty nice too. 18:10:53, 2015-08-06
- @jqheywood @sglassmeyer watching turns me into an angry old white guy. And that's what they want, sorta. in reply to jqheywood 18:15:08, 2015-08-06