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My Twitter Digest for 08/05/2015
- RT @txtbks: Inside Higher Ed: Coalition Calls for Federal Open Educational Resources Policy #oer #oerusa 10:46:31, 2015-08-05
- RT @brianwc: Doing something different. Finished orientation in Mtn. View. First day in San Bruno as Product Counsel for YouTube. http://t.… 12:16:33, 2015-08-05
- Write Unit Tests for Your Drupal 7 Code (part 1) | Lullabot 12:32:42, 2015-08-05
Write Unit Tests for Your Drupal 7 Code (part 1) | Lullabot
Write Unit Tests for Your Drupal 7 Code (part 1) | Lullabot
My Twitter Digest for 07/29/2015
- This ad turned up on Skype during a call this morning. Makes me wonder just who's using Skype. 11:50:40, 2015-07-29
- My Twitter Digest for 07/28/2015 15:30:11, 2015-07-29
My Twitter Digest for 07/28/2015
- RT @naypinya: at UC Davis, we have a new programming position to help move Libraries into linked open data! 09:30:43, 2015-07-28
- Lawyers Need “Soft Skills”—So Why Aren’t Law Schools Teaching Them? via @CELTLawBlog 10:24:41, 2015-07-28
- 6 Questions with Rip Verkerke — University of Virginia School of Law 12:17:13, 2015-07-28
- Pitt Law Librarians Help Uncover Smoking Gun Evidence in Historic “Happy Birthday” Song Lawsuit | PittLaw 12:35:13, 2015-07-28
- My Twitter Digest for 07/27/2015 15:30:10, 2015-07-28
- RT @UBLawLib: We get it, snow. Buffalo’s awesome, but it’s time to go away. For real. You’re embarrassing yourself….… 16:48:15, 2015-07-28
- RT @brianwc: Almost the only thing I've ever read about document authentication that I enjoyed reading. Brilliant @waldojaquith
https://t.… 21:35:34, 2015-07-28
My Twitter Digest for 07/27/2015
- RT @sglassmeyer: Annotations aren't primary law. Primary law is the only thing we have a right to. con't. 10:04:25, 2015-07-27
- RT @sglassmeyer: Maybe if primary law were truly free, open secondary materials could be developed using topic modeling or AI. con't. 10:04:43, 2015-07-27
- RT @sglassmeyer: Copyright is a red herring. The real problem is governments publishing law in silos (corporate or format) and that can't … 10:04:49, 2015-07-27
- RT @sglassmeyer: The misinformation I'm seeing bandied about on the Internet about the status of codes is making me crazy. 10:04:57, 2015-07-27
- My Twitter Digest for 07/26/2015 15:30:10, 2015-07-27
- How to Clone a MySQL Database. Useful for Development 16:02:36, 2015-07-27
- RT @jasonenter: Remote Command-Line debugging with PHPStorm for PHP/Drupal (including drush) 16:35:22, 2015-07-27
Lawyers Need “Soft Skills”—So Why Aren’t Law Schools Teaching Them? via @CELTLawBlog
Lawyers Need “Soft Skills”—So Why Aren’t Law Schools Teaching Them? via @CELTLawBlog
How to Clone a MySQL Database. Useful for Development
You can also use mysqldump and mysqlimport to transfer the database. For large tables, this is much faster than simply using mysqldump. In the following commands, DUMPDIR represents the full path name of the directory you use to store the output from mysqldump.First, create the directory for the output files and dump the database:
shell> mkdir DUMPDIRshell> mysqldump --tab=DUMPDIR db_nameThen transfer the files in the DUMPDIR directory to some corresponding directory on the target machine and load the files into MySQL there:
shell> mysqladmin create db_name # create databaseshell> cat DUMPDIR/*.sql | mysql db_name # create tables in databaseshell> mysqlimport db_name DUMPDIR/*.txt # load data into tablesDo not forget to copy the mysql database because that is where the grant tables are stored. You might have to run commands as the MySQL root user on the new machine until you have the mysql database in place.
After you import the mysql database on the new machine, execute mysqladmin flush-privileges so that the server reloads the grant table information.
Source: MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 2.19.5 Copying MySQL Databases to Another Machine
Currently the best way to make a clone of a database on the CALI dev environment. Useful as a aid to development allowing the developer to test new things out on copy of a db so if it goes wrong you can get back to where you were.
My Twitter Digest for 07/26/2015
- RT @gumption: @PyDataConf Critique of dashboards by @EdwardTufte shown during @LorenaABarba's keynote #PyData 13:57:31, 2015-07-26
- How long should a book chapter be? | Teleread 15:13:50, 2015-07-26
- My Twitter Digest for 07/25/2015 15:30:11, 2015-07-26
- RT @carlmalamud: MSM! Engadget reports area man sued for posting Georgia Law. SOURCE: The Register. Big time! 20:40:33, 2015-07-26
My Twitter Digest for 07/25/2015
- RT @plugusin: We lose the confidence of our kids and communities when tech, instead of teaching and learning, stands at the center of our c… 08:16:02, 2015-07-25
- RT @felixlohmeier: Wikimedia is going to “Create a database listing every academic publication ever” and copy fulltext of OA. Big deal! htt… 08:16:31, 2015-07-25
- RT @JEGrant3: Join the Agile Attorneys Worldwide Slack Channel for robust discussion of #Lean and #Agile techniques for the law. http://t.c… 10:24:05, 2015-07-25
- My Twitter Digest for 07/24/2015 15:30:10, 2015-07-25
- Is it a fail if I can select 3 security questions (for banking) that all have the same answer? Or is it a personal problem? 17:53:08, 2015-07-25
- Cylon.js – JavaScript framework for robotics, physical computing, and the Internet of Things using Node.js 22:31:44, 2015-07-25
- RT @timoreilly: This is very cool. Check it out: and 22:32:28, 2015-07-25