- The Harvard Classics / Dr. Eliot’s Five Foot Shelf : Free Books : Free Texts : Download & Streaming :… http://t.co/EiToSngeEQ 02:11:36, 2015-07-06
- RT @mojavelinux: Getting close to the next alpha of Asciidoctor PDF. And I can see the beta light at the end of the alpha tunnel too. 02:27:59, 2015-07-06
- Let’s create an open source Medium clone – Scripting News http://t.co/n51RfiHg5L 08:59:52, 2015-07-06
Let’s create an open source Medium clone – Scripting News
Let’s create an open source Medium clone – Scripting News http://scripting.com/2015/07/04/letsCreateAnOpenSourceMediumClone.html#aSUATH
The Harvard Classics / Dr. Eliot’s Five Foot Shelf : Free Books : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
The Harvard Classics / Dr. Eliot’s Five Foot Shelf : Free Books : Free Texts : Download & Streaming : Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/harvardclassics
My Twitter Digest for 06/26/2015
- Multi-platform hackable text editor Atom goes to 1.0 http://t.co/bhkyg7sKL5 08:52:25, 2015-06-26
- Back from CALICon 2015 – C|M Law Library Blog http://t.co/YQFRKP4zCA #calicon15 08:56:40, 2015-06-26
- Session video for the 2015 CALI Conference for Law School Computing is up on Youtube https://t.co/CwAJwhmjDX via @YouTube #calicon15 09:53:15, 2015-06-26
- RT @oyez: #SCOTUS rules national right to same-sex marriage. Opinion: http://t.co/UHFzrzj4XJ #SCOTUSMarriage #ssm 10:06:25, 2015-06-26
- RT @sglassmeyer: Still absorbing the Thomas quote re:slavery. It's like he learned everything he needed to know about it from "Gone With t… 10:44:12, 2015-06-26
- The President Delivers a Statement on the Supreme Court’s Decision on Same-Sex Marriage https://t.co/9k2RSe26SB Watch live at 11 AM ET 10:56:28, 2015-06-26
- So, people can get married AND buy health insurance. Wow. I understand why the Republicans are pissed. 13:18:14, 2015-06-26
- Law School Curriculum Review & Reform: Lessons Learned | Best Practices for Legal Education http://t.co/NUjCwBrJBB 14:40:25, 2015-06-26
- RT @davidpwhelan: Great sessions: I particularly liked #5 (online interactive tools) #36 (citation linking) & #49 (topic modeling) https://… 15:05:49, 2015-06-26
- My Twitter Digest for 06/25/2015 http://t.co/g8uFc3cUi6 15:31:29, 2015-06-26
My Twitter Digest for 06/25/2015
- RT @WHBinford: Here is my latest blog post: Tying Knots http://t.co/O3kWa1YeG0 Enjoy! 09:14:31, 2015-06-25
- Lots to read this morning. 09:19:11, 2015-06-25
- Can Law Students Disrupt the Market for High-Priced Textbooks? by Jane K. Winn :: SSRN http://t.co/WP4pr4XkHO 09:24:18, 2015-06-25
- RT @LIICornell: "Open access to law: a talk at the UN" by @trbruce on @LinkedIn http://t.co/yVqh9dX5hH 09:31:15, 2015-06-25
- RT @USGPO: Following @USSupremeCourt decision on Health Care Law @USGPO makes available the law http://t.co/Vz9gymNmOu #ACA #healthcare 10:51:23, 2015-06-25
- Y'know what I miss in America in the early 21st century? Personal responsibility. That's what I miss. 12:07:29, 2015-06-25
- RT @myLawScout: The future of law will be commoditized services, A.I., & lawyers focusing on what they love (law) while collab with others … 13:42:32, 2015-06-25
- My Twitter Digest for 06/24/2015 http://t.co/qUeZoLIo9C 15:30:13, 2015-06-25
- "I play for keeps 'cause I might not make it back" 15:51:26, 2015-06-25
- RT @SunFoundation: #OpenGov win: House members and staffers are now permitted to use open source software! http://t.co/nnbQfHt7pp http://t.… 16:41:02, 2015-06-25
Law School Curriculum Review & Reform: Lessons Learned | Best Practices for Legal Education
Law School Curriculum Review & Reform: Lessons Learned | Best Practices for Legal Education http://bestpracticeslegaled.albanylawblogs.org/2015/06/26/law-school-curriculum-review-reform-lessons-learned/
Multi-platform hackable text editor Atom goes to 1.0
In the 155 releases since launch, the editor has improved immensely in performance, stability, feature-set, and modularity. The editor is faster inscrolling, typing, and start-up time. Atom now has a Windows installer, Linux packages, and several heavily requested features have been added like pane resizing and multi-folder projects.
Atom has become more modular through stabilizing the API, built-in ES6 support using babel, services for inter-package communication, decorationsfor extending the core editor, and new themes that automatically adapt the UI to the syntax colors. We’ve even removed some of our core packages in favor of community-built packages like autocomplete-plus.
This is a solid text editor, worth a look.
My Twitter Digest for 06/24/2015
- RT @lisalibrarian: Walled gardens with personal data collection winning over open Web … why?
http://t.co/q2WU7J65gq 14:20:46, 2015-06-24 - My Twitter Digest for 06/23/2015 http://t.co/qTwCZkPj6i 15:30:07, 2015-06-24
- RT @caliorg: #CALICon15 Debrief http://t.co/HuUrP3Zzgq 19:16:24, 2015-06-24
- AUWCL Offers Online Courses Aimed at New Graduates and Mid-Career Professionals http://t.co/DSLwDbxFzd 19:36:49, 2015-06-24
- Slack booms, adds Head of Platform to guide future growth http://t.co/9neDOV3Fcs 19:50:09, 2015-06-24
- Open source, on-premises, Slack-alternative http://t.co/zofjkNbwvu 19:59:58, 2015-06-24
Open source, on-premises, Slack-alternative
We’re a YC-backed indie video game company releasing an open source alternative to Slack.
It’s called “Mattermost” and it’s the team communication service our company’s run on since last year. Like Slack, you can send messages and files across channels, get notifications on unreads and mentions, and search history–all from your PC or smartphone.
Unlike Slack, Mattermost is open source. You can download the code, run it on your own servers, and modify it as you wish.
This was bound to happen sooner or later. Appears to be written in Go.
Slack booms, adds Head of Platform to guide future growth
Workplace collaboration platform Slack has been a runaway success since opening for business just over a year ago: the company co-founded and led by Flickr founder Stewart Butterfield now has 1.1 million daily active users, with 300,000 of them paying for premium tiers of the service bringing in annual recurring revenue of $25 million. Now, Slack is stepping up its game and getting more serious about how it builds out its wider ecosystem. April Underwood — a longtime director of product at Twitter — has been appointed Slack’s first head of platform, a new role at the company.
As Slack Hits 1M Daily Users And 900K Integration Installs, It Hires April Underwood As Head Of Platform | TechCrunch http://techcrunch.com/2015/06/24/as-slack-hits-1m-daily-users-and-900k-integration-installs-it-hires-april-underwood-as-head-of-platform/
During my talk on Slack at CALIcon15 someone asked why I was putting my internal communication eggs into a basket that may b be home in a year. I replied that I thought Slack would be around next year and for years to come. This move seems to support my position.