My Twitter Digest for 06/17/2015

My Twitter Digest for 06/12/2015

IBM Watson shakes up 7 industries. Are legal and education on the list?

Since IBM opened IBM Watson to the world last year, it has been building a developer and entrepreneur community around the development platform. The community now consists of more than 280 commercial partners, as well as tens of thousands of developers, students, entrepreneurs and other enthusiasts that are generating up to 3 billion monthly API requests on Watson.

How IBM Watson apps are changing 7 industries | Computerworld

Surprise! Legal and education didn’t make the list. Maybe it isn’t much of a surprise. Both “industries” aren’t really driven by data crunching but much more by human interaction and both have been rather impervious to automation.

Let’s Encrypt aims to bring web encryption to all sites for free

What is Let’s Encrypt?
Basically, it’s a way to get a quick x509 certificate for your server without knowing much about what is a x509 certificate:

Let’s Encrypt Overview –

If this works out it will go skiing way to securing all web traffic. The Let’s Encrypt site is at and the code is open source at

My Twitter Digest for 06/11/2015