scripting / sendToSlack.js – a small node.js app that posts to Slack.

A tiny JavaScript app that sends a message to your default Slack channel. Can be customized with a name, icon, emoji or sent to a different channel. Runs in Node.js.

var request = require ("request");
var urlWebHook = ""; //the URL you get on your "incoming web hooks" page.
function sendToSlack (s, theUsername, theIconUrl, theIconEmoji, theChannel) {
var payload = {
text: s
if (theUsername !== undefined) {
payload.username = theUsername;
if (theIconUrl !== undefined) {
payload.icon_url = theIconUrl;
if (theIconEmoji !== undefined) {
payload.icon_emoji = theIconEmoji;
if (theChannel !== undefined) { = theChannel;
var theRequest = {
url: urlWebHook,
method: "POST",
json: payload
request (theRequest, function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && (response.statusCode == 200)) {
console.log ("sendToSlack: " + s);
else {
console.log ("sendToSlack: error, code == " + response.statusCode + ", " + response.body + ".\n");
sendToSlack ("Hello World");

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