- Phabricator is a suite of open source tools for peer code review, task management, and project communication. http://t.co/ZNJcsBb8s5 14:39:17, 2015-05-21
- My Twitter Digest for 05/20/2015 http://t.co/MEvWJwGZF5 15:31:33, 2015-05-21
- How Eddie Van Halen Hacks a Guitar http://t.co/0ZAvHPnXA5 16:58:32, 2015-05-21
- RT @jenny8lee: An epic book/literary/publishing/library @codexhackathon in San Francisco. June 26-28. Travel stipends! http://t.co/BQgTjxBH… 17:29:47, 2015-05-21
MySQL Performance Analyzer is an open source project for MySQL performance monitoring and analysis.
MySQL Performance Analyzer is an open source project for MySQL performance monitoring and analysis. https://github.com/yahoo/mysql_perf_analyzer?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+feedsapi%2FBwPx+%28Hacker+News+Top+20+Full+feeds+by+FeedsAPI%29
classkick – learn together
classkick – learn together http://www.classkick.com/#home
How Eddie Van Halen Hacks a Guitar
My Twitter Digest for 05/20/2015
- RT @caliorg: #CALIcon15 Session of the Day:Enough to be Dangerous: 00000110 Things Every Beginner Needs to Know about Coding http://t.co/OI… 11:25:53, 2015-05-20
- RT @teknoids: Teknoids Post: Cobranet anyone? Audio over IP question. http://t.co/7KadAoTZhr 11:26:19, 2015-05-20
- RT @opencontent: New post: On the Relationship Between #OER Adoption Initiatives and Libraries. http://t.co/ZR2Zbgs6JM #opentextbooks #edte… 11:32:40, 2015-05-20
- RT @github: Good news for US government customers, GitHub Enterprise is now available on AWS GovCloud https://t.co/nRIULjS6U7 11:34:14, 2015-05-20
- RT @acquia: #Drupal powers some of the world’s busiest sites. Do you know who’s on the list? #whydrupal http://t.co/PVpH6jbGRR 11:35:39, 2015-05-20
- RT @hypothes_is: Our list of historical annotation projects: https://t.co/RTp8WrlLz4 #newsanno 11:42:13, 2015-05-20
- @johnpmayer No video. Says it was removed by user. in reply to johnpmayer 14:18:46, 2015-05-20
- My Twitter Digest for 05/19/2015 http://t.co/zyYu02VYs2 15:30:19, 2015-05-20
Phabricator is a suite of open source tools for peer code review, task management, and project communication.
Phabricator is a suite of open source tools for peer code review, task management, and project communication.
Source: Phabricator
My Twitter Digest for 05/19/2015
- The Uniform Law Commission and the American Bar Association in a dispute over copyright restrctions http://t.co/NRTfoyDkWE via @WSJ 07:08:11, 2015-05-19
- 78% of companies say they run operations on open source | http://t.co/dPnyw7UCo7 http://t.co/rplAuZkBG2 07:39:03, 2015-05-19
- AWS EC2 instances and the coming leap second http://t.co/6EwAZsbJgy 09:41:57, 2015-05-19
- Ring | A free software for distributed and secured communication http://t.co/Z3CiwiHylI 09:45:47, 2015-05-19
- My Twitter Digest for 05/18/2015 http://t.co/orqaZU15MI 15:30:15, 2015-05-19
- Windows apps I use regularly http://t.co/7ekRB4YWQ1 16:36:53, 2015-05-19
- How to install Mumble VoIP Server on Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) http://t.co/o7I1CohlwH 17:01:40, 2015-05-19
- C|M|LAW Library Blog | Westlaw Printing Enhancements: Dropbox and Star Pagination http://t.co/LrgXK7Hhqh 17:09:45, 2015-05-19
- RT @teknoids: Teknoids Post: Position Announcement: Research & Instructional Services Librarian, IIT… http://t.co/sbonw8vEtn 19:38:31, 2015-05-19
- RT @johnpmayer: #oa15unt I posted my slides here http://t.co/BKmtPvqLwE . Open Algorithms in Law. 19:42:15, 2015-05-19
- RT @SoCalTaxProf: Denver Law School Blazes New Trail, Scores World's First Pot Professorship From Marijuana Law Firm http://t.co/R4CKyp1G4J 19:43:20, 2015-05-19
- RT @mojavelinux: Asciidoctor PDF isn't just a PDF converter for AsciiDoc. It aims to be the simplest way to create a PDF starting from scra… 21:57:24, 2015-05-19
C|M|LAW Library Blog | Westlaw Printing Enhancements: Dropbox and Star Pagination
C|M|LAW Library Blog | Westlaw Printing Enhancements: Dropbox and Star Pagination http://cmlawlibraryblog.classcaster.net/2015/05/19/westlaw-printing-enhancements-dropbox-and-star-pagination/
How to install Mumble VoIP Server on Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet)
How to install Mumble VoIP Server on Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-install-mumble-voip-server-on-ubuntu-15-04-vivid-vervet/
Windows apps I use regularly
I recently had the opportunity to reinstall Windows 7 on my laptop and figured it was a good time to make a list of the programs and utilities I use regularly on Windows. Most stuff is open source and/or free. There are a few commercial packages that I use a lot that I really like so I’ve included those on the list too. I don’t work in Windows that often, but when I do these are the things I use.
- Firefox – https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/
- Chrome – http://www.google.com/chrome/
- Classic Shell – http://classicshell.net/
- Ditto Clipboard Manager – http://ditto-cp.sourceforge.net/
- Gadwin PrintScreen – http://www.gadwin.com/printscreen/
- 7 Zip – http://www.7-zip.org/
- Notepad++ – http://notepad-plus-plus.org/
- VirtuaWin – http://virtuawin.sourceforge.net/
- Keepass 2.x – http://keepass.info/
- Owncloud – http://owncloud.org/
- Git – https://msysgit.github.io/
- Putty – http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html
- Filezilla – https://filezilla-project.org/ (watch for crapware installs)
- LibreOffice – https://www.libreoffice.org/
- Bitorrent – http://www.bittorrent.com/bittorrent-free
- Tweak UI – http://www.thewindowsclub.com/ultimate-windows-tweaker-v2-a-tweak-ui-for-windows-7-vista
- MySQL Workbench – https://www.mysql.com/products/workbench/
- CALI Author – http://www.cali.org/content/cali-author-download
- XAMPP – https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
- Skype – http://www.skype.com/
- Dropbox – http://www.dropbox.com/
- Komodo – http://komodoide.com/
- Slack – https://slack.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/201746897-Slack-apps-for-computers-phones-tablets