- RT @sglassmeyer: The same thing said for google can be said for any legal research database. Do you know why you're getting certain cases… 12:21:59, 2016-05-09
- RT @trbruce: Now, about those "impractical" Semantic Web techniques…. https://t.co/UDUBhNKwNE 12:24:19, 2016-05-09
- RT @johnpmayer: Free ebook Pro Git 0 pdf, mobi, epub, html – https://t.co/Oym8cgIyfy "What is "version control", and why should you care?" 12:25:38, 2016-05-09
- RT @sglassmeyer: For the open citation/ vendor neutral citation fans out there: https://t.co/eXjfc8zZ7Q 12:26:16, 2016-05-09
- RT @caliorg: Please show your support to our #CALIcon16 sponsors. Visit https://t.co/sb1OEikVzZ to learn more. #legaltech https://t.co/HX… 12:50:40, 2016-05-09
- My Twitter Digest for 05/08/2016 https://t.co/0IFHhWTBdc 15:30:08, 2016-05-09
- @johnpmayer He's wrong, or at least one sided. APIs for web apps have been around since the 90's. It's about the right tool for the job. in reply to johnpmayer 17:35:41, 2016-05-09
- Accepted sessions for #CALICon16 https://t.co/4dkWvkBohc #legaled #legaltech #freelaw #A2J #lawfaculty #lawlibrarians @teknoids @caliorg 19:32:03, 2016-05-09
- @fgbjr @johnpmayer Sure, ask away. Always been a big fan of APIs. in reply to fgbjr 19:41:20, 2016-05-09
- LSAT Maker Backs Away from Showdown With Arizona Law over GRE https://t.co/oHXCr3xT5v via @WSJLawBlog 20:14:51, 2016-05-09
Docker as a Personal Application Runner | OUseful.Info, the blog…
Docker as a Personal Application Runner | OUseful.Info, the blog… https://blog.ouseful.info/2016/05/09/docker-as-a-personal-application-runner/