- Top 10 Raspberry Pi add-on boards | https://t.co/dPnyw7D1wz https://t.co/yrPbWGsw0k https://t.co/lKpcJeScAw 09:31:37, 2016-07-12
- “Law is the Killer Blockchain App” by @dazzagreenwood https://t.co/xd8iGXgUJZ 09:40:09, 2016-07-12
- The thing about "watch this space" announcements is that while you're watching the space you don't see the truck that runs you over. 10:54:01, 2016-07-12
- My Twitter Digest for 07/11/2016 https://t.co/Skz5Yv3HDT 15:30:15, 2016-07-12
- RT @drupalsecurity: Highly critical contrib module updates will be released tomorrow. Please read https://t.co/vEFllj4hgB #drupal #security 16:51:18, 2016-07-12
A Course in Machine Learning
A Course in Machine Learning http://ciml.info/
Managing apps for your team – Slack Help Center
By default, all members can add apps to a Slack team. Team Owners and Administrators have the option of limiting who can add and approve apps, and can manage which ones are accessible at the team level.