Randall Degges – Why I Love Basic Auth

Let’s talk about Basic Auth:

  • It’s a well and clearly defined specification.
  • It’s been around since ~1996.
  • It’s super simple.

Here’s the short version of how it works.

  • You are a developer.
  • You have an API key pair: an API Key ID and an API Key Secret. Each of these is a randomly generated string (usually a uuid).
  • To authenticate against an API service, all you need to do is put your credentials into the HTTP Authorization header.

Source: Randall Degges – Why I Love Basic Auth

Education Outrage: Pragmatic Learning: It’s not “fun”

Are games fun? This is an important question for people in training because not only animation but now “gamification” is a new trend. But are “games” fun? Winning is fun. Interacting with others with whom you are playing can be fun. Games can be entertaining and sometime they are fun, but when we think about making training more effective, we need to think less about having fun and more about what it means to learn.

Source: Education Outrage: Pragmatic Learning: It’s not “fun”

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