My Twitter Digest for 03/18/2016

My Twitter Digest for 03/17/2016

GitHub now supports 451 status code for DMCA blocked content

The 451 status code is now supported | GitHub Developer Guide

GitHub now returns a 451 HTTP status code for repos that have been blocked/removed due to a DMCA notice.
The new 451 code should be used in place of a generic 403 to indicate that content is not available for legal reasons. The reason is likely to be a DMCA notice, but could be used for content that has license restrictions, or other legislative or regulatory blocks.

Runnable Sandboxes: Full-stack environments for every GitHub branch

Runnable creates full-stack environments for every branch across all your GitHub repositories. These environments can be used to integrate and test branches end-to-end, before they’re merged into master.

Watch the 90 second video and browse through our feature tour.

— Runnable Sandboxes: Full-stack environments for every GitHub branch

This looks interesting especially as we move to new platforms.

My Twitter Digest for 03/16/2016