- Enhancing Old with New – Slaw https://t.co/0q5SsLzUXQ 08:29:41, 2016-03-15
- RT @mediacurrent: Check out @DrupalAtlanta’s MiniCamp Atlanta on April 23 for all things #Drupal 8 https://t.co/KLqfcTPWMb 08:36:21, 2016-03-15
- DKirwan/calendar-heatmap: A d3 heatmap representing time series data similar to github’s contribution chart https://t.co/tqmMVDFSks 08:55:27, 2016-03-15
- The downside of relying on social network providers for authentication | Computerworld https://t.co/GOWZxPlMxl 12:15:24, 2016-03-15
- OpenID Connect | OpenID https://t.co/phiUYEfq5i 12:25:17, 2016-03-15
- Make A Visual Novel With Python | Linux User & Developer – The Linux And FOSS Mag For A GNU Generation https://t.co/UBmemTg0O3 12:35:19, 2016-03-15
- GPO sends 3 websites to the cloud https://t.co/AHhLhKTdzi 13:16:04, 2016-03-15
- My Twitter Digest for 03/14/2016 https://t.co/3WqKHVnOFQ 15:30:32, 2016-03-15
- RT @carlmalamud: Code Blue paper trail is public now. Will post revised doc + make an announcement concerning future in a few days. https:/… 18:26:20, 2016-03-15
CoreOS + Kubernetes on Vagrant (Single Machine) #GWO2016
While Kubernetes is designed to run across large clusters, it can be useful to have Kubernetes available on a single machine. This guide walks a deployer through this process using Vagrant and CoreOS. After completing this guide, a deployer will be able to interact with the Kubernetes API from their workstation using the kubectl CLI tool.
Source: Kubernetes on Vagrant (Single Machine)
Infographic: Docker vs. Vagrant #GWO2016
An Introduction to Programming in Go | Go Resources
An Introduction to Programming in Go | Go Resources http://www.golang-book.com/books/intro
How to annotate the web for the world, your group, or your students – TechRepublic
How to annotate the web for the world, your group, or your students – TechRepublic http://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-annotate-the-web-for-the-world-your-group-or-your-students/#ftag=RSS56d97e7
onwCloud, CERN, and petabytes of data
As a result of this, for ownCloud 9.0 we developed new Storage and Sharing APIs, which make it possible to write storage connectors that access and use advanced capabilities and metadata directly from the storage. One example is the EOS filesystem that is developed and used by CERN to store and manage their huge amount of scientific data. This filesystem can provide metadata, such as ETags, FileIDs, and more, which can be used by ownCloud 9.0 directly, avoiding the need to store this in the ownCloud database and providing the sought-after reduction in overhead. The option to leverage existing sharing capabilities of the storage layer (if available) is also possible, which removed the need to store sharing information in the central database.
— Open collaboration: ownCloud, CERN, and AARNET | Opensource.com https://opensource.com/business/16/3/cern-and-owncloud?sc_cid=70160000000q67aAAA
The new release of ownCloud 9 brings a number of new features including improvements to the API that allows CERN to use ownCloud as a frontend to their massive data store. Other new features beef up the Libre office based collaboration tools and add additional storage options.
My Twitter Digest for 03/14/2016
- Are e-casebooks doomed by perceived shortcomings of e-books generally? https://t.co/AFzYGo2GiA 08:44:01, 2016-03-14
- Calibre 2.53 adds style transformation tool to e-book editor and converter – TeleRead News: E-books, publishing,… https://t.co/sDQ8AVEZ41 08:47:07, 2016-03-14
- RT @TechForJustice: Come take a look at our winners on https://t.co/AqS6hpEDwN #abatechshowhack #techforjustice 09:52:49, 2016-03-14
- RT @kirschsubjudice: CALI Lawbooks looks like a very interesting platform. Kudos @caliorg @emasters. See it here: https://t.co/T5ukqxNHP2 14:23:37, 2016-03-14
- RT @prestonso: Join me Wed 4pm @GWOcon for "Decoupled #Drupal & #ReactJS!" What are risks & rewards of headless #CMS architectures? https:/… 14:26:28, 2016-03-14
- RT @krisshaffer: The @hypothes_is API is hidden away on their website, but there's lots of cool, untapped functionality here: https://t.co/… 14:56:42, 2016-03-14
- My Twitter Digest for 03/13/2016 https://t.co/JzCYyB67Le 15:30:21, 2016-03-14
- Deploying to a production environment — The Hypothesis Annotation Framework 0.0.2 documentation https://t.co/PXO37ppqfe 16:08:41, 2016-03-14
- Today’s New Book Releases on Law https://t.co/IQ3U1XmH8g 16:24:58, 2016-03-14
- Zube | Powerful project management for GitHub Issues https://t.co/BARLQscZG7 17:23:14, 2016-03-14
- Camille Nelson Named New AUWCL Dean | American University https://t.co/g5yx3UfYgR 17:28:12, 2016-03-14
GPO sends 3 websites to the cloud
GPO sends 3 websites to the cloud http://fedscoop.com/gpo-sends-3-websites-to-the-cloud
Make A Visual Novel With Python | Linux User & Developer – The Linux And FOSS Mag For A GNU Generation
Make A Visual Novel With Python | Linux User & Developer – The Linux And FOSS Mag For A GNU Generation http://www.linuxuser.co.uk/tutorials/make-a-visual-novel-with-python
OpenID Connect | OpenID
OpenID Connect | OpenID http://openid.net/connect/