- PC Magazine: Sony Launching Xperia Touch Projector https://t.co/b539Tp0Fw6 08:24:00, 2017-02-27
- My Twitter Digest for 02/26/2017 https://t.co/eAorPtPwNG 15:30:56, 2017-02-27
- RT @hypothes_is: #annotation is now a standard! @w3c makes annotations first-class citizens of the web https://t.co/eDRoqpUTcY https://t.co… 17:56:30, 2017-02-27
- RT @A2JAuthor: Doing a big code push to https://t.co/z1ff8tAwBv and https://t.co/Q0O4kK50k2 tmrw (2/28/17) from 9a-12p est, expect both to… 17:59:46, 2017-02-27