- RT @davewiner: I thought a Slack group might be an interesting prototype for a Personal Twitter. https://t.co/fsxCX0t5cW 08:27:25, 2017-05-17
- RT @lawarxiv: Cutting out the paywall! @Legaltech_news covers #LawArXiv
https://t.co/u1wwPyM62h 13:52:25, 2017-05-17 - RT @hughmcguire: "The line between the Internet and books will disappear," written by me, September 10, 2010 (!!!): https://t.co/kznO3SIgx9 13:52:32, 2017-05-17
- RT @LibraryBoxen: Just did the first test install of LibraryBox 2.2 Beta… 14:03:43, 2017-05-17
- RT @BigLawBiz: Layoffs Hit Seyfarth Shaw https://t.co/eMN1cT9c98 14:06:26, 2017-05-17
- RT @ebookcraft: Know someone who wants to get into ebook development? Here's a great resource list to send them https://t.co/AwJy04zlYq via… 14:07:51, 2017-05-17
- My Twitter Digest for 05/16/2017 https://t.co/SxZWT8K5BS 15:30:17, 2017-05-17
- RT @caliorg: 5 Reasons Why You Should Attend CALIcon17 https://t.co/vk2LQqaUEa #lawlibrarians #lawfaculty #legaltech #legaled #lawprofessor… 17:26:48, 2017-05-17