- RT @SRLN15: @caliorg colleague Jessica Frank publishes article citing document assembly as an #A2J tool for legal aid and courts https://t.… 18:02:27, 2017-10-09
- RT @openedconf: It's smoky in Anaheim but we're looking forward to record-breaking attendance of 800+ at #OpenEd17. Safe travels and see yo… 18:03:55, 2017-10-09
- RT @openedconf: Coming to #OpenEd17? Some sessions still need conveners to help us open and close on time. Volunteer sign-up here: https://… 18:07:46, 2017-10-09
- RT @weblawlib: A2J Author, Legal Aid, + Courts: Bridging Civil Justice Gap w/ Doc. Assembly https://t.co/FtGerpx6Zr by @jesshbfrank / #A2J 18:08:04, 2017-10-09
- RT @A2JAuthor: @alexgsmith @AndrewMBaker @probono @ChicagoKentLaw @caliorg @rstaudt @johnpmayer A2J Author is free for non-commercial use a… 20:50:52, 2017-10-09
- RT @opencontent: I’ve posted an update on the website. The fires are NOT affecting the conference. #OpenEd17 https://t.co/eVjV19xGJt 20:53:17, 2017-10-09
- RT @FreeLawProject: We've updated our "PACER Facts" web page with more information about the "APIs" that PACER has: https://t.co/slsiwixIvh 21:00:18, 2017-10-09