- Form is built with @A2JAuthor! Another awesome @caliorg project. https://t.co/VWJ33MFYWV 11:42:17, 2017-11-09
- RT @mojavelinux: This talk from #Devoxx blew me away. You'll never look at your terminal the same way again. Behold! https://t.co/UAKWiMnCzl 11:53:35, 2017-11-09
- RT @LSCtweets: Press Release; LSC awards nearly $4 Million in technology grants to #legalaid organizations… https://t.co/jC2Al6OI53 #LSCT… 13:35:20, 2017-11-09
- RT @weblawlib: Excited @VPLC + @URLawSchool can partner w/ SW Va. Legal Aid Society on forms automation for self-represented litigants. htt… 13:35:29, 2017-11-09
- RT @TeamUpturn: 1/ We're excited to announce that, as of this month, Upturn is now a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization: https://t.co/TRFqpOV… 13:47:13, 2017-11-09
- My Twitter Digest for 11/08/2017 https://t.co/Tlr9EiF7PT 15:30:58, 2017-11-09
- Pronoun, an ebook service for writers, shuts down https://t.co/pbi8MKIC4v via @techcrunch 15:53:23, 2017-11-09