- RT @opencontent: New from @cogdog – Open as in Not PDF. I wish more people understood this… https://t.co/S43I7cywBm #OpenPDF? #Contradict… 12:33:37, 2017-06-26
- RT @davewiner: There's a difference between importing OPML into a reader and subscribing to it. https://t.co/cPuut51GpP 12:35:09, 2017-06-26
Polygon: Everything coming to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and HBO in July
Polygon: Everything coming to Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and HBO in July. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIw1PDXojU
My Twitter Digest for 06/24/2017
- My Twitter Digest for 06/23/2017 https://t.co/Op0PtXgYk9 15:30:39, 2017-06-24
- RT @teknoids: Text to speech in Python https://t.co/a2ipci1Qgu 22:41:27, 2017-06-24
My Twitter Digest for 06/23/2017
- RT @SoCalTaxProf: The Death Knell For Charlotte Law School?
https://t.co/BwVJrTwWGB https://t.co/4uSg7vrY4g 11:07:22, 2017-06-23 - RT @LIICornell: 25 for 25: Law as Data https://t.co/B4YgDH9La8 New on VoxPopuLII 11:08:07, 2017-06-23
- RT @davewiner: githubpub is a Node app that serves from GitHub repositories. https://t.co/PIYFhi0y17 11:36:05, 2017-06-23
- My Twitter Digest for 06/22/2017 https://t.co/n7Qhd4iw8q 15:30:20, 2017-06-23
- RT @hypothes_is: Learn all the different ways you can #annotate with @hypothes_is https://t.co/LESO9Ru49e 15:54:39, 2017-06-23
- RT @brianstelter: CNN sent Bill Hennessy, the network's regular Supreme Court sketch artist, to the White House briefing today. https://t.c… 15:56:54, 2017-06-23
My Twitter Digest for 06/22/2017
- This is new! Use @caliorg LessonLink to assign CALI Lessons, AutoPublish Lessons, and QuizWright quizzes and track… https://t.co/kzDIPqiNFd 12:02:36, 2017-06-22
- More on Law Schools and Access to Justice https://t.co/bYSu5nICI5 via @CELTLawBlog [@caliorg 's @A2JAuthor is a leader in this field] 12:28:03, 2017-06-22
- BUZZ FROM THE CALI CONFERENCE https://t.co/3iS9skkJeO #calicon17 @LIICornell @caliorg 12:33:27, 2017-06-22
- My Twitter Digest for 06/21/2017 https://t.co/HFQFn3GGYx 15:30:36, 2017-06-22
- “#LegalTechLives with Sarah Glassmeyer, lawyer, librarian and technologist at the ABA Center for…” by @AvaChisling https://t.co/BRYPgO1ztC 18:47:32, 2017-06-22
- RT @teknoids: University of Missouri To Use Open Source And Other Cheaper Alternatives For General Education Textbook https://t.co/R5TOkTLR… 22:58:30, 2017-06-22
- RT @ROSSIntel: Lawyer, librarian, technologist + rebel @sglassmeyer's dream tech is a Roomba. Discuss… #LegalTechLives https://t.co/O8amW… 23:01:55, 2017-06-22
My Twitter Digest for 06/21/2017
- Graves appointed interim dean of Emory Law | Emory University | Atlanta, GA https://t.co/AZB7APCNEB 09:36:12, 2017-06-21
- RT @gsiemens: David Wiley (@opencontent ) says @LumenLearning will save students $15m this year https://t.co/4qJ9McnuWb 10:32:17, 2017-06-21
- @faketomboone @EJWalters @fastcase @courtlistener Talk to @jqheywood he's pretty good at regex and is in DC in reply to faketomboone 10:38:41, 2017-06-21
- Get Free Legal Advice Online from the American Bar Association https://t.co/DDvwjN2bDi via @lifehacker 12:39:53, 2017-06-21
- RT @EmoryLaw: Judson Graves, a partner w/ @AlstonBirdLLP , has been appointed interim dean of Emory University School of Law: https://t.co/… 12:49:05, 2017-06-21
- RT @SoCalTaxProf: BYU Law School Launches New Legal Design Lab
@LawXLab @BYULawSchool
https://t.co/a651lxtFA5 https://t.co/AL6BFLYMBT 12:49:15, 2017-06-21 - RT @richmccue: Want to Use an Arduino But Don’t Have One? https://t.co/tNTNUz3rlD https://t.co/H9cwWodcPH 12:50:25, 2017-06-21
- RT @bobambrogi: Very cool. Sounds similar to the @LawXLab program. https://t.co/2vlZmrI9oK 12:55:55, 2017-06-21
- My Twitter Digest for 06/20/2017 https://t.co/W21SEO5NIc 15:30:23, 2017-06-21
- RT @BraddJaffy: Congressional Black Caucus declines meeting with Trump https://t.co/GLB1jwEtMp 17:10:52, 2017-06-21
- @kirschsubjudice It was a real choice mission, and when it was over, I never wanted another. in reply to kirschsubjudice 17:16:26, 2017-06-21
- GameSpot: Rogue One And Everything Else Coming To (And Leaving) Netflix In July 2017 https://t.co/tZv881FMNQ 22:53:56, 2017-06-21
GameSpot: Rogue One And Everything Else Coming To (And Leaving) Netflix In July 2017
GameSpot: Rogue One And Everything Else Coming To (And Leaving) Netflix In July 2017. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwor3snDU
My Twitter Digest for 06/20/2017
- Recalibrating the Mission to Pursue Access to Justice https://t.co/mAdzRbgTRT via @CELTLawBlog 10:08:03, 2017-06-20
- RT @knightfdn: Knight is joining #IRE17 in Phoenix to take part in discussions about an increasingly complex media environment: https://t.c… 10:52:33, 2017-06-20
- RT @wpmudev: How We Host #WordPress: Infinite Scale, Redundancy, and Code Audits https://t.co/vY9VDmNEju #Multisite https://t.co/ilBCBCxD9g 10:52:40, 2017-06-20
- RT @mediacurrent: Drupal for Law Firms Big and Small via @DuoConsulting https://t.co/mzKvHVZabh 13:54:44, 2017-06-20
- My Twitter Digest for 06/19/2017 https://t.co/cbOnLikJAm 15:30:17, 2017-06-20
My Twitter Digest for 06/19/2017
- RT @davidpwhelan: The law part of the UMinn's open textbook collection https://t.co/yXUe9ufosy mostly @CALIOrg eLangdell; some ebooks also… 09:52:22, 2017-06-19
- RT @chx: I just published “One person ‘microsites’ in Drupal 8” https://t.co/OBU365toLb 11:07:30, 2017-06-19
- RT @BYULawSchool: BYU Law School to launch @LawXLab this fall. LawX will use design thinking to address gaps in legal services. https://t.c… 11:11:41, 2017-06-19
- RT @johnpmayer: We will, eventually, archive all the #CALICon17 videos to our YouTube channel https://t.co/CRRzYt1uWs – over 500 videos the… 18:13:45, 2017-06-19
- RT @johnpmayer: The videos from #CALICon17 are available RIGHT NOW from ASU's Mediasite. Links are from session descriptions here https://… 18:13:53, 2017-06-19
- RT @richards1000: July 28 submission deadline: 2018 LSC Tech Innovations Conference: Request for Session Proposals. #legaltech #a2j
https:/… 18:14:02, 2017-06-19
My Twitter Digest for 06/17/2017
- RT @caliorg: Look forward to seeing everyone next year. #calicon18 @AUWCL #lawlibrarians #lawfaculty #lawprofessors https://t.co/HL5G9LUamS 01:01:51, 2017-06-17
- RT @johnpmayer: Since we did a drum circle for #CALICon17, we are planning a Tuba circle for #calicon2018 – theme= CALI HAS A LOT OF BRASS! 09:06:56, 2017-06-17
- RT @ASUCollegeOfLaw: Now that we have discovered the #CALIcon17 Snack Room, we must always have a snack room. Thanks @caliorg for a great c… 14:05:41, 2017-06-17
- RT @caliorg: Thank you to our sponsors for making #calicon17 a huge success! We could not have done it w/o you #lawfaculty #lawlibrarians… 14:06:22, 2017-06-17
- RT @JEGrant3: New Post: A Call for Bold Action to Address A2J from the @OregonStateBar Futures Task Force https://t.co/NjACfRwP1v #a2j #new… 14:06:41, 2017-06-17
- RT @davewiner: Likes are lame. RTs are neat. 14:07:38, 2017-06-17
- RT @griffey: Any librarians out there involved in Standard Ebooks project? https://t.co/Q7nhOVKAee 14:34:22, 2017-06-17
- My Twitter Digest for 06/16/2017 https://t.co/SlGZ7QCxTI 15:30:55, 2017-06-17