Kubernetes Services By Example – OpenShift Blog

In a nutshell, Kubernetes services are an abstraction for pods, providing a stable, virtual IP (VIP) address. As pods may come and go, for example in the process of a rolling upgrade, services allow clients to reliably connect to the containers running in the pods, using the VIP. The virtual in VIP means it’s not an actual IP address connected to a network interface but its purpose is purely to forward traffic to one or more pods. Keeping the mapping between the VIP and the pods up-to-date is the job of kub

Source: Kubernetes Services By Example – OpenShift Blog

How to speed up your MySQL queries 300 times | Opensource.com

MySQL has a built-in slow query log. To use it, open the my.cnf file and set the slow_query_log variable to “On.” Set long_query_time to the number of seconds that a query should take to be considered slow, say 0.2. Set slow_query_log_file to the path where you want to save the file. Then run your code and any query above the specified threshold will be added to that file.

Source: How to speed up your MySQL queries 300 times | Opensource.com

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