- The Verge: Google releases Android O to developers, promising better battery life and notifications https://t.co/VJm29fUhOf 07:56:31, 2017-03-22
- My Twitter Digest for 03/21/2017 https://t.co/1wEN5aVonD 15:31:08, 2017-03-22
- RT @txtbks: "You should be able to own your education" – case for #OER in a nutshell from #ACRL2017 #LibOER preconference 15:53:16, 2017-03-22
- RT @RebusCommunity: We now have a dozen projects in the works at @RebusCommunity. And they need your help! https://t.co/8tikXzdXx4 15:54:19, 2017-03-22
- RT @Dries: The accumulation of technical debt, or how a recently opened critical core bug is 15 years old https://t.co/XUwKAyCAna 16:02:40, 2017-03-22
- RT @pressbooks: Back by popular demand! 10 of our tips for formatting an ebook. #indiepub https://t.co/SIIrMpI25y https://t.co/Xm6tJGqKDV 16:03:01, 2017-03-22
- RT @ABAInnovation: Are you a new lawyer or law grad interested in #A2J and #legaltech? Check out our Microsoft-NextGen fellowship! https:/… 16:03:45, 2017-03-22
- RT @holden: This is great news. One of the great things about @hughmcguire and his project is that unlike many he gets both what reading is… 22:56:02, 2017-03-22