- How about a random backstory for #CALIcon15 presenters. What could go wrong? Backstory description generator http://t.co/kswElTfmOS 08:44:39, 2015-04-15
- #LVI 2015: Call for papers http://t.co/h3ThL54eL1 Law Via the Internet is Nov 9-11 2015 in Sydney. 09:36:18, 2015-04-15
- OpenAdvocate DLAW Drupal now on GitHub http://t.co/bH3O2kg9JA 09:43:32, 2015-04-15
- Scrollback, an open source alternative to Slack http://t.co/F7dRAznivK 09:58:34, 2015-04-15
- RT @trbruce: The new issue of the Journal of Open Access to Law is out. Very interesting stuff, if I say so myself. http://t.co/LEpByNlcoc 12:02:45, 2015-04-15
- RT @johnpmayer: CALI – we do stuff others don't do and sometimes that works out ok. 13:57:54, 2015-04-15
- Anyone else out there find it amusing the http://t.co/NYKY1MplJi is the second largest ecommerce site in China? 16:35:02, 2015-04-15
- Awesome! just had a robocall telling me that it was critical that I complete my Google+ profile and claim my local business adwords. 16:54:25, 2015-04-15
- How to give a presentation with an iPad and Apple TV http://t.co/oLtkruRK6m 17:14:04, 2015-04-15
- GNU Hurd 0.6 released http://t.co/OlD9M6LxkB 19:13:43, 2015-04-15