Twilio open sources Android, iOS, React apps to speed development of video collaboration solutions

Get a head start on your video app development with three new Twilio open sourced video collaboration applications for iOS, Android, and ReactJS for the Web.

Source: Deploy your own video collaboration app in five minutes or less

Lots of interesting potential here. Requires use of Twilio Programmable Video which is not cost free. For CALI potential uses would include adding a live video component to LessonLive for use in distance ed and adding the ability to talk to a lawyer or court official in A2J Guided Interviews.

ZDNet: Microsoft: WSL2’s Linux kernel will be delivered to Windows 10 users via Windows Update

Specifically, Microsoft has decided to remove the Linux kernel from the Windows OS image with WSL2. Instead, the company will deliver it to users’ machines using Windows Update. Users will be able to manually check for new kernel updates by clicking the “Check for Updates” button or by waiting for Windows to do this automatically.

“Our end goal is for this change to be seamless, where your Linux kernel is kept up to date without you needing to think about it. By default this will be handled entirely by Windows, just like regular updates on your machine,” said Microsoft Program Manager Craig Loewen in a blog post today outlining the coming change.

— ZDNet: Microsoft: WSL2’s Linux kernel will be delivered to Windows 10 users via Windows Update.