links for 2006-12-21
testing AJAX apps
links for 2006-12-20
D/L for getting recordings from Sony Hi-MD to Mac
Mellon Foundation Announces Grants
Three winners received $100,000 grants: The Internet Archive, the University of Washington, and Humboldt State University. The Internet Archive was recognized for its Heritrix Web crawler and its work archiving Internet content. The University of Washington was recognized for the ongoing development of its IMAP email server and PINE email client. Humboldt State University was recognized for its development of the Moodle course management system.
NewsForge | Education, information access top Mellon Foundation award winners
Nice to see PINE recognized:)
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links for 2006-12-17
links for 2006-12-15
Brandeis SoL Names Chen Dean
Nationally recognized legal scholar Jim Chen has been named the new dean of the Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville.Chen leaves the posts of associate dean and James L. Krusemark Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota Law School.
Chen named dean of Brandeis School of Law :: News :: University of Louisville — dare to be great
Dean Chen is, among his other credentials, a blogger. He manages the Jurisdynamics Network and is a contributing editor on Law School Innovation.* I hope he plans on continuing his blogging as moves to new challenges.
*I am also a contributing editor on Law School Innovation
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links for 2006-12-14
Zune parody of Apple spot.
links for 2006-12-13
Does Second Life Need To Get A Life?
SECOND LIFE: A story too good to check – Valleywag – Good piece on the perils of getting pushed into the hype surrounding Second Life. It reminds us that 3-D virtual environments have been a good idea for many years, but have never been really caught on to a mass market.
technorati tags:Second_Life
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