Microsoft Unleashes Power Shell

Originally known by the code-name Monad, PowerShell was initially slated to replace the command line in Windows with an object-oriented shell that rivals shells found on Unix systems. However, Microsoft scaled back its plans, saying it would take a a few years to fully flesh out the technology.For the moment, PowerShell will primarily appeal to IT managers running Windows software such as Exchange 2007. Using the new shell, administrators will be able to do everything from the command line that can be done from the graphical interface.”Think of it as an integrated version of the Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and VBScript that is easy to use and will allow you to automate and control system administration tasks,” said PowerShell developer Alex Heaton.

BetaNews | Windows PowerShell 1.0 Released

Sounds like it may be too little, too late.  Most Windows sys admins (and I user that term loosely) I know are very much point and click folks.  The notion of using a CLI to interact with a computer is utterly foreign to them.  I think this will be of most interest to hacker types and Unix/Linux admins who find themselves stuck with administering some Windows boxes.

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I’m Thinking Flash Desktop

YourMinis is a Flash-based customizable homepage product that will compete for users with a number of similar products that use Ajax – Netvibes, Pageflakes, Google, and more. This was launched by a startup called Goowy, which created a flash-based productivity suite (email, calendar, IM, etc.) last year – see here for our Goowy coverage.

Techcrunch » Blog Archive » The YourMinis Do-It-All Flash Homepage

I would really like to a CALI centric sort of thing designed like this.  A portal that brings students to their courses, lessons, library, etc.  Would be cool.

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Confabb Brings All Those Conferences Together

Confabb ( combines an aggregate database of major conferences, conventions, and trade shows sorted by industry with social networking tools designed to empower conference attendees to improve their overall experience.Built into the site is a reputation management system to be used by conference attendees, speakers, organizers and administrators allowing people to plan for and attend conferences, and critique and review those they have attended and want to share with colleagues. No other resource contains such a comprehensive listing of events or as robust a tool set for maximizing the conference experience via the live Web.

Welcome to Confabb: The Conference Community

This is pretty cool.  We’ll add the CALI Conference for Law School Computing just as soon as I figure out what category to stick it in:)

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Sun GPLs Java

“By open-sourcing Sun’s implementation of Java technology, we will inspire a new phase of developer collaboration and innovation using the NetBeans IDE [Integrated Development Environment] and expect the Java platform to be the foundation infrastructure for next generation Internet, desktop, mobile and enterprise applications,” said Rich Green, Sun’s executive VP of Software, in a Special Report: Java Futures”With the JDK [Java Development Kit] released as free software under the GPL, Sun will be working closely with distributors of the GNU/Linux operating system, who will soon be able to include the JDK as part of the open-source repositories that are commonly included with GNU/Linux distributions.”

Sun to Open-Source Java Under GPL

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