Polycom To Offer Asterisk PBX Solutions

Asterisk, the open source IP PBX platform, has taken another step towards becoming mainstream with the announcement by global conferencing technology company, Polycom that it is to offer IP PBX systems based on the Asterisk Business Edition.
Under a multi-year agreement, Polycom’s SIP desktop and conference phones will be combined with Digium’s Asterisk Business Edition, to give small and medium businesses customers access to advanced telephony solutions which, Polycom claims, will be more affordable compared to proprietary systems.

iTWire – Polycom embraces Asterisk open source IP PBX

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Winternals Tools Complete Move to MSFT

Nearly four months after hiring Sony Corp. rootkit whistleblower Mark Russinovich, Microsoft Corp. has moved his company’s software to its Web site and released a new Windows system tool that can help fight hackers.The freeware products, now known as Windows Sysinternals, were made available on Microsoft’s Web site earlier this week. They are based on the code that Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell had been distributing on Sysinternals.com before Microsoft bought their company, Winternals Software LP, in July.

Microsoft releases Sony rootkit hunter’s tools

The new releases are primarily updates to existing utilities.  These are a must for anyone using Windows, especially in a networked environment.

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More Mono For Linux

Mono 1.2 enhances the open-source effort and is a major step toward compatibility with the .Net Framework 2.0, Novell officials said. Novell announced the new version on Nov. 9 at the Microsoft TechEd Developers conference in Barcelona, Spain.The new version of Mono adds support for the Microsoft Windows Forms API to more easily port .Net client-side applications to Linux. Other enhancements in the new release include virtual machine upgrades and enhanced Java support, as well as performance, memory consumption and stability improvements.

Novell Updates Mono Open-Source Project

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