links for 2006-10-06
Berkman, LexsiNexis Get Cozy on Training eLawyers
Harvard Law’s Berkman Center and LexisNexis Partner to Study Law School Curriculum
LexisNexis Media Relations – September 20, 2006 News Release
Wow. Interesting headline. There are a couple of killer quotes though. For instance,
A white paper created by the Berkman Center under the supervision of John Palfrey will be released at the end of the year.
and the intriguing,
The Berkman Center, one of the premier research centers in the world focusing on the intersection of law and technology, includes among its ranks such notable faculty as Charles Nesson, Charles Ogletree, John Palfrey, Jonathan Zittrain, William Fisher, and Lawrence Lessig. This project is unrelated to work and opinions on copyright and in no way represent an endorsement by LexisNexis of those views. This partnership is an example that business and academe can work together for the benefit of legal education while agreeing to disagree on other issues of import.
Cool, another white paper. That’ll help. And LN wants to make sure that nobody thinks its endorsing any of this Open Source, Creative Commons crap. Good position.
Well that’s enough snarky for the moment.
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Wikia Launches College Wikis
Wikia has quietly launched semi-private college/university wikis. And they’ve taken a page out of Facebook’s game plan by requiring users to have an approved university email address in order to edit the wiki. The wiki itself, however, is viewable by everyone.
Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Wikia’s Facebook-like College Wikis
You can find the wikis here. Not sure yet where this going to go. I wouldn’t think most schools would be interested in maintaining yet another form of web presence in yet another open space. Now if this formed around individual classes or courses…
technorati tags:wikia
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Announcing BYO Classcaster System
After fiddling with Classcaster for a year and a half, I’ve finally gotten around to launching as a site for Classcaster developers and those interested in building their own Classcaster system. The site includes detailed instructions for putting Classcaster together, links to info about Classcaster and a forum to discuss the deployment and use of Classcaster.
Please note that this is not intended to be an end user support site, but rather a site for those interested in deploying their own Classcaster system or learning more about how Classcaster works.
So, if your interested in running your own blogging, podcasting empire, this is a good place to start.
Classcaster is a course blogging system that provides faculty, librarians, and staff with a new way to interact with students and communities. A Classcaster blog provides authors with tools for posting not only traditional blog articles but also tools for podcasting and sharing any documents and/or files with students and communities.
CALI‘s implementation of Classcaster is here. It is a thriving blogging and podcasting network and community with over 50 active bloggers and almost 2000 hours of podcasts that cover a wide range of subjects taught in law schools across the country.
John Mayer and I will be giving a presentation on Classcaster at Educause on 10/11/06, so if you’re in Dallas, do drop by.
links for 2006-10-04
Colloboratively annotate any PDFs.
Requires jBoss. Seems to only do MC.
Google Gadgets for your Homepage
Google Gadgets for your webpage can help make a site dynamic and rich with content. Google Gadgets, which have long been available for users to add to the Google homepage and Google Desktop, are now available for webpage owners to add to their own webpages.
Google Press Center: News Announcement
Cool. I’m thinking I’ll rampage across with a few of these:)
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links for 2006-10-02
KidBASIC is an easy to use version of BASIC designed to teach young children the basics of computer programming.
links for 2006-09-30
Yep, John, another one.
think 1L category cloud…
Yahoo Opens User Authentication
Yahoo has released a new product called BBAuth just in time for its open HackDay today and tomorrow. It’s a mechanism for non-Yahoo applications to access Yahoo’s authentication mechanism and user data in a secure manner.
Techcrunch » Blog Archive » Yahoo’s BBAuth Will Allow Better Mashups
Wow. Certainly the implications are great here, but you do need to have a Yahoo account. I could imagine using this for a commercial offering, but in CALi’s world, it wouldn’t really fly. I’m not comfortable with requiring law students to use a commercial service, even one as cool as Yahoo, to authenticate to CALI offerings. On the other hand, if I’m interested in selling stuff to a mass audience, this seems like a great way top great quality authentication w/o the hassle of doing it myself.
FWIW, I’ve used Yahoo for email, news, search, etc since the mid-nineties.
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