links for 2006-09-29

Berkeley Puts Video on Google

The University of California, Berkeley is the preeminent public research and teaching institution in the nation . From classic literature to emerging technologies, the curricula of our 130 academic departments span the wide world of thought and knowledge. Supported by the people of California, the university has embraced public service as an essential part of its mission since 1868. The content on this page —drawn from campus seminars, courses and events—is just one part of UC Berkeley’s commitment to the broadest possible dissemination of knowledge for the benefit of our state, the nation and the world.

UC Berkeley on Google Video

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U of Chicago Admissions Blog: More Schools Needs These

It’s on the Web at”Ninety percent of our applications last year were filed electronically,” said Ann K. Perry, assistant dean for admis-sions. “These applicants are just online all the time.”So the new blog is a recruiting tool, “another way for us to communicate with the prospective students in a way that they like and enjoy.”

University of Chicago Law School > News 09.22.2006: More on the New Admissions Blog

More and more schools need to be doing this sort of thing.  Yes, you can use Classcaster for an admissions blog.  Since law students and future law students are spending more and more time online, all facets of your law school better have a live and dynamic presence online too.  The old updated once a year by changing 2005 to 2006 approach to websites is just not going to work very much longer.  You need to be out there, putting fresh material on the site weekly if not more often, using RSS, podcasts, forums, even chat sessions to connect with students and future students.  Classcaster can provide a platform for lots of this.  Or use some other solution.  It doesn’t really matter what hammer you use, just drive that nail:)  You law school will be better for it.

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MySQL Lets SleepyCat Lie

Open-source database maker MySQL AB has quietly dropped support for BerkeleyDB, the embeddable database Oracle Corp. acquired in February.From the current beta version of MySQL 5.1.12 going forward, MySQL will no longer allow BerkeleyDB to serve as one of its storage engines, according to a posting on MySQL’s Web site late last month.MySQL is one of the few databases that lets users choose among different engines to store data in a format best suited to their needs. The default engine, MYISAM, and InnoDB are seen as the most widely used by MySQL users.

MySQL drops support for BerkeleyDB

No surprises here. Now all that remains is to see what MySQL does about the InnoDB engine that is also now owned by Oracle

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