Search WorldCat Directly

The OCLC Online Computer Library Center, a nonprofit group, announced this week that it was making available to the public WorldCat’s search engine of library holdings. WorldCat, which is maintained by the library center, is a database of materials from 10,000 libraries worldwide. Previously, only library patrons could gain access to WorldCat’s search tool. Now available through, the search tool also helps people locate the library nearest them that has the book, article, or video or audio recording they are looking for.

The Chronicle: Wired Campus Blog: Library Searches Made Easy

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Listen to Podcasts on Cellphones

Like its bigger rivals, Alltel plans to boost revenue with new services as phone call prices decline. Alltel , the leading U.S. rural wireless provider, said it will charge $3.99 a month to let subscribers download or stream Web-based clips, also known as podcasts, to their cellphones.Privately held Melodeo of Seattle is providing Alltel with the technology to offer the clips, which could include everything from sports, entertainment or news clips from media companies to clips from independent podcast creators.

Alltel to Offer Podcasts on Cell Phones

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Borland Goes Turbo, Again

David Intersimone, vice president of developer relations and chief evangelist at Borland, said the Turbo product set includes Turbo Delphi for Win32, Turbo Delphi for .Net, Turbo C++ and Turbo C#. Each version will be available in two editions: Turbo Explorer, a free downloadable version; and Turbo Professional, a version priced at less than $500, he said.

Borland Brings Back Its Turbo Tools

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Apple Finally Fixes Email!

“A lot of times we want to keep a To Do list, you can select a note and say make it a To Do and they show up like this. But it’s even more powerful than this. I can take any email, any document and say make it a to do. But it’s not just Mail. Any application can tie into it and contribute To Dos and view To Dos. So iCal is tied into this. All of your apps can tie into this and have one systemwide To Do service.”

Live from WWDC 2006: Steve Jobs keynote – Engadget

This all I’ve wanted in an email app for about the last 8 years. Just take a message and make it a ‘To Do’. Seems easy enough, but I’ve never really found anythign that could actually do it with subjecting me to a lot of pain. I hope that this works as well as they make it seem. If it does, I’ll be switching in short order.

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