Yahoo! Messenger Gets Plugin API

There are two categories of plugins. Conversation Plugins interact with the chat environment itself. For example, with the event finder plugin, two people chatting can bring up a Yahoo map and find pegged restaurantes, venues, etc. to discuss them. Another plugin that I saw demo’d was the “avatars space” where users can interact in a virtual environment using avatars, pull in flickr photos and othe props, etc. The other type of plugins, Personal Plugins, pull content directly into the IM client itself. Users can add news, Yahoo 360, calendar plugins, etc. The idea is to pull core web services into the IM client, avoiding the need to open a browser.

TechCrunch » Blog Archive » Yahoo Opens IM to Developers

So, can we run CALI Lessons inside of Messenger? The idea would be intriguing since it would allow a certain level of collaboration between students. Or imagine a prof walking a student thorugh a Lesson while chatting (text or voice, remember Y!M has VOIP built-in). Or we pull content through the WebAPI of eLangdell. Something to look into.

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Linux Heads to the CO

Based on today’s announcement, Stratus customers will soon be able to choose 64-bit RHEL AS 4 on three new T Series server models: the T40 CO, T40 AC, and the T65 AC. The T40 CO is a carrier-grade server engineered to meet NEBS Level 3 standards in central office environments. This server is based on two-way SMP 3.2GHz Xeon processors. The T40 AC and T65 AC servers are non-NEBS models described as being suitable for “next generation services” or “enterprise telephony applications.” The T65 uses dual-core Xeon 2.8GHz processors.

NewsForge | Stratus plus Red Hat AS 4: Lots of nines

HP is also installing a version of Debian in its carrier grade telecomm devices.  Seems Linux is making some real headway into this market.

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