Look Out, It’s UGC!

Today’s mash-ups remind me of those Time magazine collages: all cutting and pasting, signifying nothing.

WSJ.com – Portals- Why Getting the User To Create Web Content Isn’t Always Progress

Good piece. Puts the current mash-up craze into perspective. You could think of it this way: we all have access to cheap paper and pencils, that doesn’t make us writers or reporters or aritsts. I do write a mean shopping list. Just because the tools exist does not mean that everyone is a blogger or writer or reporter or artist. Now the lowere threshold for planet wide distribution that the net provides does mean that we may have a better chance of finding a blogger or writer or reporter or artist whose work we enjoy, but it doesn’t create that talent just provides an outlet.

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links for 2006-05-31

Banning Laptops in the Classroom: Ars Technica Weighs In.

The question of banning laptops in class: it’s academic, silly – Great piece. The author sees the problem: unfettered net access in the classroom. All of the dust up about laptops in the classroom has the distraction of net access at its core. After rushing to throw wifi into every nook and crany for no real reason, America’s institutions of higher education are looking to curtail that access. Faculty are definitely pushing back about student wireless access in the classroom, epsecially since there are no killer apps that require such access.

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