Password protected.
links for 2006-01-19
Cake is a rapid development framework for PHP
links for 2006-01-18
Applicant tracking system. Useful for tracking pools of applicants for a given postiion.
command line podcast downloader; supports OPML.
WSJ Launches Law Blog
The Wall Street Journal has created an active new law blog titled straightforwardly enough, Law Blog. Law Blog “focuses on law and business, and the business of law.” Lawyer, former-litigator and current WSJ Online contributor Peter Lattman is the lead writer.
BoleyBlogs! – Paul L. Boley Law Library
technorati tags: wall street journal
Running an applicant tracking serivce?
CATS is an applicant tracking system (ATS). Built on the LAMP platform (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP), it can be installed and running in 5 minutes on a Unix or Windows platform. It features built-in applicant tracking, resume search, CRM, and a reporting dashboard for staffing agencies and corporate HR departments.
freshmeat.net: Project details for CATS
Idea: law schools develop lots of fun and interesting ways to track faculty canidates, mostly involving lots of 3 ring binders. This sort of system would allow an appointments committe to gather all of that data and information into a single electronic archive. Could be hosted or locally run.
technorati tags: applicant_tracking
links for 2006-01-17
good notes on the DCT 6400 series DVR
links for 2006-01-15
Chandler is an interpersonal information manager that adapts to your changing needs.
guitar tab reader and eidotr
runs on knoppix. not free.
schedule your stuff.
links for 2006-01-13
links for 2006-01-12
Post to multiple blogs from a single interface.
An Aggregator API Is Born
The goal is to create an XML-RPC interface for aggregators, with a first implementation for the NewsRiver aggregator that’s an add-on for the OPML Editor.
XML-RPC interface for the NewsRiver aggregator
This could prove very useful in the future.
technorati tags: NewsRiver, Dave Winer, Scripting News, XML-RPC, aggregator