More VOIP: YakForFree, PC2PC SIP and Video Conferencing

“In a crowded and competitive VoIP marketplace, yakForFree is distinguished by its free video capabilities and ease-of-use. By downloading the free Virtual VideoPhone, which takes less than a minute, users can make free calls over the Internet using a high-speed connection.”

Slashdot | Yak Launches Free Video and Voice Service

This has been in the making for most of the year with CounterPath (formerly XTen) providing the eyeBeam softphone that handles SIP and video.  The feature set offered in the various Yak products suggests an Asterisk backend.  There is at least one report of configuring Asterisk to use the Yak service.  I’m going to try this out, so if anyone wants to test, drop me a note.

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UntitledLinux Clustering Made Cheap and Easy

So you need a lot of computing power but don’t want to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a commercial cluster? Or maybe you just have a lot of machines sitting idle that you would like to put to good use? You can build a powerful and scalable Linux cluster using only free software and off-the-shelf components. Here’s how. | Condor: Building a Linux cluster on a budget

Step by step guide for building a Linux cluster suing Fedora, DRBL, and Condor.  Uses commodity parts, so this won’t cost a fortune.

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The Ultimate Disposable PDA

The PocketMod is a small book with guides on each page. These guides or templates, combined with a unique folding style, enable a normal piece of paper to become the ultimate note card. It is hard to describe just how incredibly useful the PocketMod is. It’s best that you just dive in and create one.

PocketMod: The Free Disposable Personal Organizer

This is wild.  And it works.  I’m forever making lists of stuff, so this sort of thing is just what  I need. There’s even an offline version for you to download.  Via MAKE

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Google Base Launched

As announced on the Google Blog, Google Base has finally launched. According to Google, Google Base enables content owners to easily make their information searchable online. Anyone, from large companies to website owners and individuals, can use it to submit their content in the form of data items. We’ll host the items and make them searchable for free.”

Slashdot | Google Base Launches

I’ve got an idea for throwing something in here to see what happens.  I’ll update this later after I give it a try.

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OPML Community Server Released

I’m getting ready to release the new OPML Community Server, which will make it possible for people to host their own OPML weblogs, directories, instant outlining networks, etc.I’ll release the full source code of the server under the open source GPL, so you’re free to make changes, add features, and share those features with others. It could be the beginning of something pretty cool.
OPML Editor support: My new OPML Community Server installation

Dave Winer release a cool new toy.  I may give it a whirl, but I do wish it ran on Linux since I’m short on Windows and Mac boxen at the moment.

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Urchin Customers Reactly Badly to Google Analytics

I don’t know how many other people like us there are – people who paid for hosted Urchin before today’s announcement. But I bet that all of them are pissed.

OnoTech – Google: Start acting like a real business or you’re doomed

There are other stories like this beginning to float to the surface about the change Google made shutting done the paid Urchin service and giving it away as Google Analytics.  Looks like another case of Google doing what Google wants without much input from customers.  Not much of a conversation I guess.