Intel, Digium Team Up For Commercial Asterisk Support

By including support for Intel telephony products Digium will be abel to provide a version of Asterisk that supports more advanced digital telephony features.

Intel Gets Inside Asterisk with New Drivers
Digium and Intel have partnered in an effort that will see the professional version of Asterisk, Asterisk Business Edition, run on Intel’s building blocks and be supported on Intel’s Dialogic and NetStructure products.

Open Source Clickers?

Some good comments about clickers and educational feedback. It is not clear just what the person looking for the OS clicker is really looking for here.

Slashdot | Building an Open Source “Clicker”?
The problem is this: a clicker system requires…clickers. What I need are remote controls that have a minimum of 6 buttons (for users to select options with). The sticking point comes when a button is pressed — the remote must send the option choice, as well as a unique ID specific to the remote, so the clicker software can distinguish between different students.

Clients pressure bar to innovate

Great article with good links to articles about tech innovation, or the lack thereof, in legal practice. I think the implications for legal education are worth noting. As clients expect more use of technology in practice, firms will pressure law schools for more tech savvy graduates. And the 100+ year old style of teaching law in America ain’t going to cut it.

excited utterances
The message is clear. Innovate or die.

So where does innovation in legal education come from? Well, all modesty aside, CALI is probably one of the best sources for innovation in legal education in America. Over the past 12 months we have released quite a few products and services to our members that, if applied, have the capacity to significantly alter the way legal education works. Adoption has been slow at best, but we keep pushing. I think that eventually pressure from students and employers will force law schools to get more involved in using technology in education and exposing students to more of the technology they will see in practice.

Flock: A Browser for Social Web

Wired News: Killer Buzz Flocks to New Browser
Flock advertises itself as a “social browser,” meaning that the application plays nicely with popular web services like Flickr, Technorati and Flock also features widely compliant WYSIWYG, drag-and-drop blogging tools. The browser even promises to detect and authenticate all those user accounts automatically. It’s a clear attempt to be the browser of choice for the Web 2.0 user.

Anyone Remember PhoneBlogger?

Phillip @ MAKE:Blog linked to PhoneBlogger, which reminded me that there was a bit of activity in the getting voice on your blog a couple of year’s back (the PhoneBlogger code is almost 2 years old). Well to all of that you can add Classcaster. I think that CLasscaster may be among the few tightly integrated telephony/blogging/podcasting systems out there. Now if I could just get some folks to come and play…

MAKE: Blog: Post to your blog with PhoneBlogger and VoiceXML…
PhoneBlogger is a tool for publishing to a blog via a phone call. PhoneBlogger is an automated voice application that first asks you for info about which pre-configured blog you wish to post to. After collecting the necessary information, PhoneBlogger records your audio message. Finally, it posts a blog entry that links to the recorded audio.