Using CSS to Position Lists

How to Use CSS to Position Horizontal Unordered Lists – WebReference.comLet’s say that you’ve chosen to use a horizontal styled unordered list for your navigation and have followed the generally accepted CSS methods put forward by the many CSS information sites on the web. All’s well until you decide that you don’t want your menu to be left aligned. You want to be able to position it centrally or to the right and this is where it starts to get tricky.

NewsGator Opens API

The API generates a lot of stuff in OPML and RSS2.0.

NewsGator API Homepage
NewsGator Online provides an API to allow application developers to develop aggregators and other applications that process RSS to use a NewsGator Online user’s location, subscription and folder structure in their application. The NewsGator Online API also gives application developers very fine-grained control over synchronizing the read and deleted state of individual posts.

Blogs, Podcasts, RSS: A Niche In A Niche In A Niche

Good article about the demographics behind the those who consume blogs, podcasts, and RSS feeds. As I’ve long suspected at the moment venturing into these waters is apparently developing for a niche in a niche ina niche. The good news is that the niche is growing:)

What Blogs, Podcasts, Feeds Mean to Bottom Line
The average consumer of blogs, RSS/XML feeds and Podcasts is male, earns big bucks and, in the case of Podcasts, is a youngster

Podcasts On Campus Growing

I’m sensing a trend with AUWCL announcing its podcasting service this week, and now this. Look likes I’m getting Classcaster out the door just in time and CALI will be in front of this wave. Of course Classcaster has 2 cool features: podcasting with your telephone and podcast enabled blogs. I do need to write more about Classcaster:)

Purdue University Offers Lectures via Podcast
Today, Purdue University announced it will be offering a podcast service covering ‘large’ lectures on campus. Any faculty member can request that their lectures be made available via the service, which is called ‘BoilerCast.’

U of Dayton Law Launches 2 Year Degree Program

Looks like Dayton becomes the first school to take advantage of changes in ABA standards that changed how long it takes to get a JD. Now if someone would just step up and take advantage of the DE changes that the ABA put in place at the same time.

UD Alumni News: Two Year Law Degree
A new, accelerated curriculum has attracted national media attention and helped to trigger the highest application volume in a dozen years and the best entering test scores since 1994 in the School of Law. Nationally, law school applications are down.