Scribe Adds Word Processing Features to Web Forms

This is one cool extension for FireFox and another reason to move IE. Be sure to check out Scribe’s features.

MAKE: Blog: Word processing in web forms
Scribe adds Word Processor like functionality to web forms, including opening and saving form entries as files. Open and save form entries as files. Quickly save to a local file as you type. Never lose a post again due to your internet connection being dropped or laptop battery going out.

Am I Fundable?

Slashdot | OSS Funding through Fundable
“FredCK, developer of the popular FCKEditor, recently raised $600 from supporters through Fundable to port his open source HTML editor to Safari. Fundable is a new site that lets groups of people pool money for specific purposes, like software features. Unlike generic donation dropboxes (such as PayPal buttons), if a group’s targeted collection isn’t reached after 2 or 4 weeks, everyone gets a complete refund.”

Maybe I’ll use this help fund some of my innovations

Graphic Maps of Apache Logs Project details for Apache2GDL
Apache2GDL is a Perl script that parses an Apache log file and generates a directed graph of visitors’ movement in GDL format for visualization with aiSee. It also allows you to pipe the graph directly through aiSee and get a mapped SVG or PNG image of the layout. The generated images help you find out how people actually browse your site — which paths they take to get from page A to page B, which paths are more popular than others, which pages get the most hits, and whether there are one-way paths and dead-end pages.

New OpenKiosk Release Project details for OpenKiosk
This version features major enhancements to both the clients and server module of the system. One of the key features is the introduction of the Kiosk-Mode User Interface. Other features include membership support, delegation of configuration access to operators, restricting prepaid and member access to a particular workgroup, remote viewing of site status using a Web browser, remote reporting, detailed reports, and more.


Hell of an idea. You get filing sharing through an RSS feed. Add files to the folder, links show up in the feed, an aggregator/reader d/l’s the files. Neat, clean, fast. Of course costs money and is likely to go the way of other online storage schemes. But the idea is sound. It could use more security and encryption too.

MAKE: Blog: RSS feeds to online storage…’s filefeed lets people easily subscribe to your shared files through any web or software-based RSS reader (including firefox,, newsgater, feedster, and more). Distributing files through filefeed is easy: just add a file to one of your shared folders and all of the subscribers will instantly receive a link to that new file. Imagine the possibilities… share documents with your blog’s readers, send brochures to clients, syndicate recent photos automatically to friends and family, or simply use RSS to sync up your web folder with another location.

Multi-site User Profiles With XML

XML User Profiles
XUP is an attempt to replace static per-site user accounts, which most present dynamic web sites use in absence of an easy to use and open/shared user account system. It allows people to use a single account or profile with many sites, or one of their existing user profiles on multiple other web sites.

Connect VOIP to a Regular Phone

MAKE: Blog: Build your own Chat-Cord
Voice over IP is taking over the world and I also like the idea of calling for free! The problem I’ve experienced so far is the fact that you always have to use those cumbersome headsets. When it would be possible to use your standard phone for this application, the experience of VoIP would be much more like the real POTS (plain old telephone system). Provides Access To Over 8000 CRS Docs

Slashdot | Open CRS: Free Government Research Reports
Ted Bridis of the Associated Press reports that more than 8000 Congressional Research Service reports produced exclusively for legislators are now available to the public for free. The Center for Democracy & Technology’s Open CRS project is a Web-based central clearinghouse that features several collections of government reports. The research service has ‘… a staff of more than 700 and a nearly $100 million budget …’ but ‘CRS Reports do not become public until a member of Congress releases the report.’ The Open CRS project wants your help in obtaining and adding reports to the database.