My Twitter Digest for 06/06/2017

My Twitter Digest for 06/05/2017

Get started with machine learning using Python |

From self-driving cars to stock market predictions to online learning, machine learning is used in almost every field that utilizes prediction as a way to improve itself. Due to its practical usage, it is one of the most in-demand skills right now in the job market. Also, getting started with Python and machine learning is easy as there are plenty of online resources and lots of Python machine learning libraries available.

Source: Get started with machine learning using Python |

My Twitter Digest for 06/02/2017

My Twitter Digest for 06/01/2017

Inslee, New York Governor Cuomo, and California Governor Brown announce formation of United States Climate Alliance | Governor Jay Inslee

New York, California and Washington, representing over one-fifth of U.S. Gross Domestic Product, are committed to achieving the U.S. goal of reducing emissions 26-28 percent from 2005 levels and meeting or exceeding the targets of the federal Clean Power Plan.

Source: Inslee, New York Governor Cuomo, and California Governor Brown announce formation of United States Climate Alliance | Governor Jay Inslee