Mattermost Platform Overview | All Communications On One Platform

The only unified solution with a shared set of platform services and a powerful UI structured around channel-based communications, checklist-based process automation, and card-based task and project management.

My biggest problem with Slack is it’s great for chat, but poor for project management. Yes I can integrate all the apps but the integrations are limited. Mattermost promises Bette project management tools and workflow management. Worth a look.

Android 12 Released

Android 12 delivers even more personal, safe and effortless experiences on your device. With a redesigned UI, new privacy features and tools that let you jump right in.

Source: Android 12

Updating Drupal core via Composer 

To understand how Composer manages Drupal dependencies, see Using Composer with Drupal. To decide if Composer is a sensible way to update, compare the available options.
For convenience, these instructions include the Drush commands necessary to complete an update: many people find Drush quicker and easier than the web-based admin area.
If this is an existing Drupal site, where Composer has never been used before, make sure it’s ready for Composer first.

Source: Updating Drupal core via Composer | Updating Drupal | Drupal Wiki guide on

With Drupal 9 updating core with Composer is the way to go.