MindRaider: Outliner and More

freshmeat.net: Project details for MindRaider
MindRaider is a Semantic Web outliner/mind mapper. It aims to connect the tradition of outline editors with emerging technologies. MindRaider’s mission is to organize not only the content of your hard drive but also your cognitive base and social relationships in a way that enables quick navigation, concise representation, and inferencing.

Among other things it has support for OPML.

OS XML Editors Examined

NewsForge | Open source XML editors examined
The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) provides a flexible and efficient way to store, transmit, and express data. Many applications have adopted it as their sole data format, and the availability of comprehensive XML development libraries makes it easy to add support for XML to new and existing applications. The open source community has produced an impressive lineup of XML editing utilities. In this article we’ll take a look at some of the most useful.

Good, short reviews of OS editors with XML capabilities. Most live in the Linux world, but some have Win32 versions.

Yahoo Opens Access to APIs

InfoWorld: Yahoo opens up search platform to external developers: March 01, 2005: By : APPLICATIONS : DATA_MANAGEMENT
With the launch on Tuesday of the Yahoo Developer Network, Yahoo is providing access to application programming interfaces (APIs) for a variety of its search services, including Web, image, video, news, and local search.

Meanwhile, Yahoo is also broadening access to the Overture APIs, which have been available to high-volume advertisers for several years. Now, other types of Overture users, such as search-engine marketers and smaller advertisers, will be allowed access to the APIs.

You can register as a developer here.

Podcasting Attracts Startups

The New York Times > Technology > For a Start-Up, Visions of Profit in Podcasting
The primarily amateur Internet audio medium known as podcasting will take a small, hopeful step on Friday toward becoming the commercial Web’s next big thing.

That step is planned by Odeo, a five-person start-up that is based in a walk-up apartment in this city’s Mission District and was co-founded by a Google alumnus. The company plans to introduce a Web-based system that is aimed at making a business of podcasting – the process of creating, finding, organizing and listening to digital audio files that range from living-room ramblings to BBC newscasts.

The guys behind Odeo are Evan Williams and Noah Glass, responsible for Blogger and AudioBlogger respectively. Seems like they may be up to something that looks to tie the various pieces of podcasting together, at least that’s what Dave Winer thinks. It is intersting to see all of this energy in this space even as I managed to push out ClassCaster.

Oh, but wait, I haven’t exactly explained ClassCaster yet. Well here’s the pitch: grab a phone, dial a number, record a lecture or an analysis of something for your class, hangup, go to your blog and listen to it. All done with Asterisk, VoicePulse DID, MetaWeblog API, and 67 lines of PERL. It is nice and it works. No it needs a pretty dress:) We’ll tie it to our database and offer it up to CALI members and release the idea into the wild…