New AI could help write your next textbook, using Penn State technology – TechRepublic

Penn State has announced the launch of BBookX—new technology they developed that works with faculty to use artificial intelligence to build textbooks from open resources. The software, which was created in August, works to create personalized textbooks by extracting open source information from the Web, based on user input.

This is an interesting development. Trying it out requires an account.

Assignment: Creating a D&D Character | MAS S66: Indistinguishable From… Magic as Interface, Technology, and Tradition

“You are sitting in a tavern. You look down and see a D&D homework assignment on the table…”

Hello and welcome to the D&D homework assignment.

In this assignment you’re going to learn about how role playing games depict characters and events in magical worlds using numbers. You’re going to conduct a series of exercises meant to give you a sense for how these kinds of games use numbers to make the fantasy they depict feel real for the player. Specifically, you’re going to roll a few D&D characters

Assignment: Creating a D&D Character | MAS S66: Indistinguishable From… Magic as Interface, Technology, and Tradition

Clearly I went to the wrong college. There was plenty of D&D for sure, but we didn’t get credit for it.