Finalists for Dean of University of Washington School of Law Announced

The finalists currently scheduled for campus visits are:
Steven L. Willborn, dean and Richard C. and Catherine Stuart Schmoker professor of law, University of Nebraska. Campus interviews January 24 and 25. Public presentation 4 to 5 p.m., Friday, Jan. 25.
Gregory Hicks, interim dean of the School of Law, University of Washington. Campus interviews January 30 and 31. Public presentation 3 to 4 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 30.
Lawrence Zelenak, Pamela B. Gann professor of law, Duke University School of Law. Campus interviews February 7 and 8. Public presentation 4 to 5 p.m., Friday, Feb. 8.
Mary Anne Bobinski, dean and professor, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia. Campus interviews February 14 and 15. Public presentation 4 to 5 p.m., Friday, Feb. 15. | Finalists for dean of School of Law announced | University of Washington News and Information

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Sun Buys MySQL

SANTA CLARA, CA January 16, 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. (NASDAQ: JAVA) today announced it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire MySQL AB, an open source icon and developer of one of the world’s fastest growing open source databases for approximately $1 billion in total consideration. The acquisition accelerates Sun’s position in enterprise IT to now include the $15 billion database market. Today’s announcement reaffirms Sun’s position as the leading provider of platforms for the Web economy and its role as the largest commercial open source contributor.
With millions of global deployments including Facebook, Google, Nokia, Baidu and China Mobile, MySQL will bring synergies to Sun that will change the landscape of the software industry by driving new adoption of MySQL’s open source database in more traditional applications and enterprises. The integration with Sun will greatly extend the commercial appeal of MySQL’s offerings and improve its value proposition with the addition of Sun’s global services organization. MySQL will also gain new distribution through Sun’s channels including its OEM relationships with Intel, IBM and Dell.

Sun Microsystems Announces Agreement to Acquire MySQL, Developer of the World’s Most Popular Open Source Database

This is an interesting development.  This makes Sun one of the biggest players in the corporate open source market.  I suppose we’ll just need to see how it affects the community version of MySQL.

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Public.Resource.Org, Fastcase In Deal To Free Case Law


Public.Resource.Org and Fastcase, Inc. announced today that they will release a large and free archive of federal case law, including all Courts of Appeals decisions from 1950 to the present and all Supreme Court decisions since 1754. The archive will be public domain and usable by anyone for any purpose.

I’m pretty sure that this is one of the most understated announcements I’ve seen.  To have this corpus of primary legal material freely available is simply huge.  For years scholars, students, and researchers have been struggling with ways to gain access to this material that wasn’t a violation of some big publisher’s copyright or license agreement.  IF you want a preview of the case law goodness to come, take a look at where you will find over 150,000 cases already available, plus the PHP utility used to do the transformations and a sample style sheet to control the layout and presentation.  Because P.R.O is doing the right thing, these cases are well marked-up as valid XHTML which means you cna do pretty much anything you want with them from a programmatic and display stand point.  Very, very cool.

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Students Contribute to Wikipedia for Class

Prof replaces term papers with Wikipedia contributions, suffering ensues – Good idea, somewhat questionable execution.  Pluses include a sense of ownership of the topic, broader audience for students’ work; minuses include dealing with the Wikipedia community, learning the syntax, finding open topics.

Seems to me that a really good compromise here would be a another wiki, focused on student scholarship across disciplines.  Students contribute to fulfill course requirements and the world at large, as with  Wikipedia , is the audience.

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MySQL Gets Googlified

The search company has done a lot of work customizing MySQL to meet its special needs. Those efforts include improving database replication and adding tools to monitor a high volume of database instances

MySQL to get injection of Google code

Look for these additions in MySQL 6, expected in late 2008.  This will certainly add a lot to high availability and replication features of MySQL.

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Mass High Court Oral Arguments on Suffolk Website

Suffolk University Law School, in cooperation with the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, maintains this site in order to make oral arguments before the Supreme Judicial Court accessible to the general public and the legal community. Webcasts of Supreme Judicial Court oral arguments at the John Adams Courthouse are available live while the cases are being argued and may also be viewed at a later time through the Suffolk Law School’s archives.

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Oral Arguments

This is great.  The arguments are webcast live and later available throguh an archive.  The format is Windows Media.  The archive goes back to Sept. 2005.  Once decisions are handed down, the PDFs are linked ot the archive.  Docket info and briefs are also available.

To make it even better, generate MP3s from the WMVs and add a RSS2 feed for podcasts.  Link all of the data available for a case, briefs, decisions, docket info, all from the archive page.

CS 685 @ Cornell: The Structure of Information Networks

The past decade has seen a convergence of social and technological networks, with systems such as the World Wide Web characterized by the interplay between rich information content, the millions of individuals and organizations who create it, and the technology that supports it. This course covers recent research on the structure and analysis of such networks, and on models that abstract their basic properties. Topics include combinatorial and probabilistic techniques for link analysis, centralized and decentralized search algorithms, network models based on random graphs, and connections with work in the social sciences.

The Structure of Information Networks (Jon Kleinberg)

Just following along with the reading for this course would be interesting.  Most of the stuff is on the net, but you could certainly get your hands on the rest through any university library.

Federal Court Audio Available on Internet

The Administrative Office of the Courts announcedin a press release of 8/6/2007 that the U.S. District Court inNebraska and the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the EasternDistrict of North Carolina will make some digital audio recordingsof courtroom proceedings available on the Internet. The U.S.District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, the U.S.Bankruptcy Court in Maine, and the U.S. Bankruptcy Court forthe Northern District of Alabama are also planning to participatein the pilot project.

BarclayBlog: Two Courts Offer Digital Audio Recordings Online

It will be interesting to see how this develops.