Recruiting Students the Web 2.0 Way

The study also found that 63 percent of respondents said they would read a blog authored by a faculty member as a way to seek more information about students and faculty at a particular institution. While only 9 percent said they had participated in an online chat on a school Web site, 51 percent said they would if they could. Also, 9 percent of prospective students indicated that they had downloaded a podcast from a college or university, but 54 percent said they would if they had the opportunity.

Prospective College Students Receptive to Electronic Social Networking Recruitment Methods, Survey Finds

OK, we hang a survey off of LTL to find out what prospective law students think about this sort of stuff.  Then use the results to get law schools to start moving forward.

Via Library Stuff

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VRM – Vendor Relationship Management

Imagine being able to relate to vendors — productively, on mutually agreeable terms — rather than just paying them money for whatever they’re selling, and occasionally giving them “feedback” through surveys that aggregate our “input” inside some impersonal “customer relationship management” (CRM) system. That’s the idea behind VRM, or Vendor Relationship Management. It’s the reciprocal of CRM: a toolset for independence and engagement. That is, of independence from vendors and engagement with vendors.

Can we relate? | Linux Journal

VRM is just getting going at and is being backed by Berkman.  This is a good idea that I hope catches on.

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Mellon Foundation Announces Grants

Three winners received $100,000 grants: The Internet Archive, the University of Washington, and Humboldt State University. The Internet Archive was recognized for its Heritrix Web crawler and its work archiving Internet content. The University of Washington was recognized for the ongoing development of its IMAP email server and PINE email client. Humboldt State University was recognized for its development of the Moodle course management system.

NewsForge | Education, information access top Mellon Foundation award winners

Nice to see PINE recognized:)

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Brandeis SoL Names Chen Dean

Nationally recognized legal scholar Jim Chen has been named the new dean of the Brandeis School of Law at the University of Louisville.Chen leaves the posts of associate dean and James L. Krusemark Professor of Law at the University of Minnesota Law School.

Chen named dean of Brandeis School of Law :: News :: University of Louisville — dare to be great

Dean Chen is, among his other credentials, a blogger.  He manages the Jurisdynamics Network and is a contributing editor on Law School Innovation.*  I hope he plans on continuing his blogging as moves to new challenges.

*I am also a contributing editor on Law School Innovation

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YouTube Adds Video Capture Features

The Quick Capture tool uses an Adobe Flash Player API to connect to the user’s webcam. The user must first grant the Flash Player permission to use the camera and microphone—and must do so every time—before using the service. Once the user grants permission, he or she must then select the type of connection being used for the video and microphone: DV, FireWire, or USB.

YouTube allows users to record directly to site

This is cool.  I wonder if we could replicate this on Classcaster?

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ABA Gets Diversity Slap

The Chroncile of Higher Education is reporting that the ABA’s Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar will be recognized as the sole accreditor of American law schools for the next 18 months, rather than for five years, the standard usually agreed to by the department’s National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity. Staff members of the advisory committee cited concerns that the bar association’s accrediting council has no controls or rules in place to ensure the consistent application of its diversity standards.

Law Librarian Blog: Education Department Renews Law-School Accreditor’s Authority but Questions Its Diversity Requirements

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Charleston Gets Provisional ABA Accreditation

The American Bar Association’s Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar has voted to grant provisional accreditation to the Charleston School of Law, Dean Richard Gershon announced today. Provisional accreditation is the highest form of accreditation that can be granted any school at this stage.  The vote means the first class of students who graduate from the new school next May will be able to take the South Carolina Bar Examination.

Charleston School of Law

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